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happy friday + over halfway there…


Happy Friday guys! Baby's getting bigger and so is my belly! I've been feeling great this second trimester, so sometimes I forget I'm pregnant until I pass by a mirror and go, "Whoa! What happened to you!?" Ha. It was great meeting some of you last night at the Pinterest party at Urbanic…so fun meeting those of you who encourage me to keep posting away daily! Have a great first weekend of summer…I'll be filling it with cold watermelon slices and whatever spicy concoctions I seem to be craving these days. — Joy

{iMac Photobooth photos at 22 weeks. dress from Wren, top by Bordeaux for Anthropologie}


  1. You look so gorgeous, Joy! I was so bummed I wasn’t feeling back on my feet yet to go to the Pinterest party. Hope it was fun:)

  2. So exciting! I only have 7 weeks left! I remember with both pregnancies, after the half way mark time FLIES! You look adorable! I’m excited for you!

  3. Is it weird that I didn’t say hi because I didn’t want you to think I’m a blog stalker…even though I kind of am. 🙂 You looked cute as a button yesterday, though.
    ♥ & kiwi

  4. It was great to finally meet you in person. I hope I didn’t seem like a crazy stalker. You looked great last night!

  5. It was sooooo nice meeting you last night! It was pretty surreal being in a room full of bloggers and awesome people who you know have the same taste and likes. Thanks again for posting about the event cuz otherwise I would’ve missed it!

  6. OK, you’re freaking my out. How is it even POSSIBLE that you’re already this far along? I feel like it was only yesterday when you were announcing to the world that you had a bun in the oven. God, I feel old!
    Fabulous dress, by the way 🙂

  7. aww, all the best 🙂
    (couldn’t make it to the pinterest thing last night, been unwell this week, thankfully getting better but sniffles aren’t good for socializing.)

  8. congrats! I’m two thirds of the way with a little boy. I do the same thing…I forget I’m pregnant until i look south of my shoulders!!! The middle part is such a great time…enjoy it!

  9. I’m a new reader, I found you by way of your gorgeous wallpaper.
    What a coincidence, I’m due with my first on 10/24 too, and it’s a girl. 🙂 I’ll be checking your site often to see how your baby planning goes! 🙂


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