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happy thanksgiving + thankful for moms…



As we approach the holiday season this weekend, thoughts of family and all the things we're thankful for come to mind. We've been lucky to have one of our moms staying with us since Ruby was born six weeks ago. Bob's mom came first for a few weeks, then my mom for the last couple weeks. Before they arrived, I was nervous that I'd feel overwhelmed having them here for weeks at a time with the new baby. But truth is, it was amazing. Our moms were so helpful…cooking us homemade Thai and Korean meals, helping out with the baby, giving us our space to figure things out, and being around to get to know their new granddaughter. I found myself growing closer to both of them and having a new found respect for them as our moms. There were no video monitors, diapers with wetness indicators, or fancy swaddle blankets back in the 70's when we were born, yet they seemed to make it all work.

They're both back in Philly now, and we miss them and look forward to when they'll be able to visit again. So, friends, what small moments lately are you most thankful for this holiday? I hope you have a great long weekend with your loved ones. See you back here on Monday! — Joy


  1. We lived with our respective moms for 3 months (!!) with a two-week break and I would not have it any other way – I want to raise my kids knowing mom and dad cannot do it all by themselves!

  2. Moms are the best and I wish I could give back to mine what my mom has given me. She was there when my 2 girls were both newborns and I don’t know what I’d do without her. I hope I can come close to being the mom she has been to me.

  3. Such a heartwarming post.
    Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!
    As i read your twitter updates the last couple weeks i could help but think how wonderful it would have been if i was more relaxed and more open to family staying with us when my daughter was born. I was SO nervous about EVERYTHING i even told them to give us a week before coming to stay (it was only for my family as my in-laws live where we do).
    i was surprised to read that you were a little nervous too…. it definitely encourages me to think differently next time… I know it will make my parents very happy!

  4. That’s so sweet! I’m also thankful for my Mom and Mami-in-law — okay, and my Dads, too. And for everyone’s health. And for having you as a friend and neighbor. Love you! Happy Tday with your sweet Ruby!!

  5. Aw, Ruby is so beautiful… she definitely inherited some gorgeousness from both of your pretty moms. Thank you for the heartfelt post!
    Mom’s are so wonderful!

  6. So so true! Sometimes we get so caught up in ‘needing’ all the newest, latest bits and bobs for mothering, when really, we just need to listen and care. Im so thankful to have the respect and initiative to ask elders for help and advice, especially my parents. The past generation had so little back in the 70’s but my memories are so happy.
    Always a joy to read. xx

  7. I agree! I grew a whole new appreciating for moms when we had our babes, mine especially!! I just made a juju hat perfect for a nursery… and am having a giveaway in case you’re interested!! 😉 Enjoy all your sweet moments!

  8. So sweet Joy! I have been especially thankful for my daughter’s quickly growing hand that still fits perfectly in mine. I sometimes wonder about the day when she may not want to hold it any longer. For now I am savoring each moment whether it’s navigating a crowded shopping center, crossing the street or just because. This time is so precious.
    Happy Thanksgiving and 1st Thanksgiving to Ruby!

  9. This is so sweet. I wish I had a relationship with my mom similar to the one you have with yours. Hopefully, my mother in law will be there for me 🙂

  10. So true- you understand their love and care for you in a whole new way. It was the same for us, I was worried that it would be too much, but I loved having my mother around the first couple of weeks. Good memories!!!! So much to be thankful for 🙂

  11. Oh, yes mums are the best! Both our mums have been so good with all our boys. I’m so incredibly thankful for them. Every day of the year. Happy thanksgiving Joy!
    Ronnie xo

  12. Hi Stephanie,
    Our parents live in Philadelphia, Philly is short for that 😉
    Bobs parents are from Korea, and mine are from Thailand!

  13. Meeting my cousins baby over Thanksgiving was amazing. Watching my grandmother be a great-grandmother to little Julieta is so heart warming. I am truely thankful for my family.


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