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happy friday + making new traditions…




The other day I took Ruby to the pumpkin patch over at Underwood Farms, which is about an hour outside of L.A. While most of the activities were a little advanced for her, she loved playing among the pumpkins and on the playground with the mini tractor. The funny thing is, it was the first time I've ever been to a pumpkin patch, too. Bob and I were talking about how we'd never been to one before because, culturally, it just wasn't something our parents did, or even knew about. So now that we're raising Ruby in an American culture and mixing in some new-to-us traditions that we never had growing up, it's fun to discover these things with her at the same time. Oh, and she loved seeing the animals on the farm since she's getting really good at animal noises

P.S. Speaking of family traditions, here's a little guest post I wrote for A Cup of Jo earlier this week about a tradition we uphold for our parents…

{Ruby's romper by Bambinos & Bunny}


  1. What adorable photos! I can completely empathize with you on the cultural differences front, my parents are from Jamaica and carving pumpkins or even trick or treating was not something I participated in as a child! Oh the possibilities as an adult huh?

  2. That’s the farm I went to while growing up! It has gotten a lot fancier/cooler since the days when my siblings and I used to go. 🙂 Also, I could totally relate to your Cup of Jo post. My grandparents also worked in the restaurant business and my parents contribute financially (they immigrated here when they were teens, so my parents are much more Americanized). My parents joke that we will be taking care of them one day, and although they probably won’t need the financial assistance as much (well they will after they’re done paying for my med school), I know that my siblings and I will be taking care of them in whatever way they need us to, even though they wouldn’t ask. I don’t perceive it to be a burden or something we were raised to expect to have to do; it’s something I think we would want to do seeing as they have given us so much.

  3. These are really adorable. I really enjoyed your guest post. My husband and I also support our parents every month. We make it work and it’s part of our family budget! It’s a little something that we want to do to also thank them for raising us. Hope you & your family have a happy weekend!

  4. These pictures are so pretty! She looks like she is having so much fun.
    The guest post was great! I do the same, help out my mother, & I don’t think twice about it, and I don’t think I ever will. 🙂 Liked seeing a little bit of a peek into another culture as well!

  5. I’m not sure I’ve been to a pumpkin patch either. My parent’s didn’t celebrate Halloween, although we did carve pumpkins from the grocery store occasionally. These pictures are adorable!

  6. I love starting new family traditions. Ours is apple picking ever September. We’ve been 3 times now, and it’s so much fun to compare the photos and think about how much Eva has changed over the past year. I love the photo of Ruby on the tractor!

  7. Ruby looks like she’s enjoying herself! What a cutie! I feel the same way as you when it comes to traditions. Many of the things I do with my son now, my parents, who were born and raised in the philippines, would have never done with me. At the same time, they’ve been here for years so they’ve adapted and I try to absorb as much as I can from them about the filipino culture so I can teach my son. Ahh, new traditions!

  8. I’ve never been to a pumpkin patch either, or at least that I can remember. I’m half Japanese and grew up in Japan before moving to the US as a pre-teen. My mom didn’t understand things like prom and yearbook signings but we did celebrate almost All American holidays since my dad is American.
    I also loved the guest post that you wrote on Cup of Jo, and earlier in the week read nearly all the comments that had been written. I found it really fascinating to hear about how other people feel about the topic. My family is also the way you described in terms of giving back to our parents, doing whatever is within our means to make life easier on them as they get older.

  9. We’re taking our baby daughter to her first pumpkin patch festival (and mine) this weekend at Kidspace in Pasadena- one of the best.
    That’s awesome that you and Bob can support your parents like that. What’s interesting is that for most of my Korean and Chinese friends (I’m Korean), THEIR parents helped them with their mortgage down payment, mostly in the 6 digit range! I think the main idea is that money boundaries between parents and children in Asian culture is really blurred whereas in Western culture, people live much more independently. I’m married to a white guy, but I’ve made it clear to him that my mom will likely live with us once she is elderly. His grandparents live in a senior citizen home and it’s sad to see them so alone. I would hate to see my mom living like that!

  10. Aww those pumpkins are almost as big as Ruby! I’ve never picked my own pumpkin at a patch either (and have probably carved one only a couple times when I was a kid), but last weekend, the bf and drove up to the Catskill Mountains for a little getaway and nearly brought one home…until we realized that taking the train with one and going up four flights of stairs after returning the car would be very very not fun.
    And I can relate to the giving back to the parents post. It’s the same in most Latin cultures especially if you’re a first generation American or your parents are still living in their native country. I can’t tell you how many times Mom has guilted me about how she would split her measly factory paycheck to send money back to the Dominican Republic. On one hand I get it if they’re struggling, but it’s the expectation and subsequent guilt trip that I (as someone brought up under the Western culture, I guess) struggle with.

  11. I caught your guest post earlier this week on Cup of Joe– I really enjoyed it. It makes sense and though this is not a tradition in my family, it certainly seems like common sense! I want to treat my mother and help her any way I can to thank her for all the time and energy she put into raising me!
    Also, Ruby is so cute in those overalls and boots! Just as fashionable as her mama, I see!

  12. Yay! You went! Excellent pick. We went last weekend and I often went to that farm when I was growing up. Ruby is so precious! I am all for starting new traditions as we are doing some of that ourselves too 🙂
    p.s. Underwood has strawberry picking (and eating!) and it is so much fun! You’ll have to go back.

  13. Ruby looks very cute! Finally went to Underwood after many years on Wed. I’ve been to pumpkin patches back East but my first time in a corn maze. Lots of laughs getting all turned around. I’m looking forward to all their upcoming events.

  14. Loved your post on Cup of Jo, as a Somali/Muslim-American taking care of your parents is a big part of our culture and faith. I especially appreciated how you mentioned that you do so not because you can you have the extra income all the time but because your parents deserve it. Kudos to you and Bob! I pray I’ll be in a similar position where I’ll be able to do the same for my parents and younger siblings.

  15. That is wonderful, this amalgamation of cultures and traditions. These traditions are still new to me as well (but not to my husband). Aside from all the holiday traditions, I love discovering “new” books with my kids as I never had many books in the house growing up (my parents could barely read English themselves).
    I read your interview over at A CUP OF JO and I was inspired by your answers. It reminded me of how our generation (who are from immigrant families) tend to forget the importance of giving back to our parents. I was really touched…and as I said, inspired.
    All the best to you, Ruby and Bob.

  16. I’m missing Underwood Family Farm so much right now… I just moved from Moorpark to New Jersey, and am still without power… what was I thinking? My little grandson goes to Underwood every year with his parents, he’s three now. They started the tradition when he was 3 months old, and now they’ve moved out of state and STILL come back to California to keep up the tradition.

  17. I’ve always wanted to go to Underwood Farms! She’s soo adorable and looks so happy there. I loved your article on Cup of Jo and I totally understood everything you were writing about. I’m the same way to my parents and it never feels like a burden to me at all. I’m just happy I can help in any way I can. Btw, my parents are in the restaurant business too! So it worries me that they don’t have the typical pensions and retirement plans that other parents may have. Such a well written and insightful article~ great job buddy!


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