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Journal Kids

where’s waldo?



Trying to get a toddler to stand still in front of a wall—especially right after she's awoken from a nap and wants a snack—is nearly impossible. So, here's our best attempt to recreate that scene from Garden State, only this time with my baby dress and wallpaper designs (because how could I not try and make this happen?!?).


Luckily, she did much better for her 15 month photo and was all smiles after…

P.S. A little note that all Oh Joy for Winter Water Factory baby clothing is currently 40% off through the end of the month (along with everything else in the WWF line!). It's a special winter sale, so get it while you can! Enter NEWYEAR40 at checkout.


  1. Oh my! The comparison to your adorable daughter and that Garden State moment for some reason tickled me just right, im in stitches over here! I think she nailed it, what a cutie!

  2. The top one reminds me of one of those 3d image posters. If you stare at it long enough all of a sudden you’ll see a toddler! She’s adorable, and so is the wallpaper.

  3. I waited too long and it is sold out. Ruby has grown so much. She is so beautiful and that personality! I am sure she will love looking back at all the wonderful photos you have taken when she is older 🙂

  4. I just ordered 2 pieces thank you for the post and what a doll! I think you are pretty freakin’ awesome and I hope to someday meet you!


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