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currently snacking on…




A couple of my sweet go-to's this week include gourmet versions of childhood treats! Sometimes I just want something decadent and gooey that reminds me of eating candy bars as a kid like these Tallyhos by Liddabit Sweets' (they're like homemade Mallomars). Hello salty chocolate cookies wrapped in marshmallow…yum!

And, carbonated beverages are kind of my guilty pleasure, but I really try to steer away from those with corn syrup or artificial flavors. So when I came across these all natural sodas by Joia at the grocery store with flavors like Pineapple Coconut Nutmeg and Grapefruit Chamomile Cardamom, my taste buds instantly fell in love…

{Photos by Oh Joy}


  1. Oh those cookies. They have the potential to be so dangerously delicious. I’m already in a sugar coma from the double toasted coconut ice cream from Jeni’s. Might be the best ice cream I’ve ever had. Here’s to sugar!

  2. Ooh, I love anything that has marshmallows covered in chocolate! And I have to remember to check out Joia the next time I’m at Whole Foods. Those are very interesting flavors!


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