Happy Friday guys! Our little lady is eighteen months today! The past few months have been so fun as she's been getting more verbal and aware of what's around her. I hear from eighteen months on it gets even better, and I can't wait to see how she amazes us even more with her humor and happiness.
{Ruby's clothes: 15 month dress by Oh Joy, 16 month tee (I made), 17 month dress by Thief & Bandit Kids, 18 month dress from Little Vida.}
OMG, her little facial expression in the 16th month photo is the cutest!
Ruby is seriously the most precious kid I’ve ever seen!
ahhh she kills me 🙂 so adorable. happy 18 months, ruby!
Ruby is such a doll! Her faces are just priceless. Happy 18 months to your little lady!
sunny blonde studio
Happy birthday beautiful Ruby!
Joy!! She is such a doll!! She can’t get any cuter with that sweet little voice! It’s the best thing ever watching little ones grow and learn… Romeo is now pointing to his nose too! I LOVE it 🙂
Oh, she is simply adorable.
Ah, ruby is so cute and smart.
Been great watching her grow and get excited for my 1 year olds development… Mabli is now pointing at her nose 🙂
she is supre cute!!!!
So smart and I LOVE her little voice!
Please tell me where those head planters are from!!! I am in love with them
I aspire to dress my future children as well as you dress Ruby!
I am a long time follower, first time commenter. Your blog is the best and I love visiting for clothing/interiors/food inspiration! Thank you for your amazing creativity!
She is just so happy and beautiful!
Thank you so much for sharing her with us.
(Makes me excited for the day my husband and I decide to add to the fam!)
OMG she is just too cute!
I love you blog and I absolutely love the planters, care to share where you purchased them? Please share
Hi Susana,
Theyre here!
Thank you so much Lindley! Means so much that you commented for the first time 😉
So cute!! What a smart cookie!! My son is almost two weeks younger than Ruby 🙂 I also just watched the video of her blowing bubbles and I love her blue kitchen set and was wondering where it’s from?
So true that it just gets better from here on out! The things they say just keep surprising you. Happy 18 months to Ruby 😉
she’s adorable!
she’s the sweetest. the video is so cute. 🙂
She is so adorable! I love her expressions and her outfits!
she is crazy cute! you guys are really lucky!
EEEK! Ruby is the cutest! 🙂 AND YES, it keeps getting better after 18 months. ha, we’re just at 19 months with my son but things really are getting fun. I think they get less frustrated as they can talk, and they really do say the funniest things.
We celebrated 19 months with a new TODDLER MOHAWK, ha. Of course, right? 🙂 http://hennablossom.com/?p=1555 (Think you’d enjoy checking out the “do”) 😉
I’m so impressed that you’ve kept up with these photos. And I LOVE how to capture so much PERSONALITY in each pic. 🙂
Have a great weekend!
OMG! That is amazing! I love his do!
She is just so stinkin cute Joy!! I think you need another soon 😉
gahhhhh! I love her!! She knows all her parts smarty pants!
she is totally adorable, love the 18months photo 🙂
So precious!! My Olive just turned 13 months old; I love getting glimpses of what’s ahead! Ruby is toooo cute!
Aw so adorable! Happy 18 months Ruby 🙂
18 months is a great age! I’m a toddler teacher and my students are 18 to 30 months. They’re so smart, it’s amazing what they pick up!
Your daughter is so adorable! She is such a happy baby! Love your blog and videos! 🙂
So cute. Are you guys gonna teach her those words in Thai and Korean too?
She is so cute and stylish!
Hi Joy!
Commenting for the first time at any blog!! Wanted to let you know that the photos and videos of Ruby literally make my day. She is so adorable (even when she’s throwing a tantrum) Your style is also amazing, I live far away in Singapore.. the only thing keeping me away from your garage sales. Good luck with your office space, I’m sure it will be amazing!
Sending all the good vibes! 🙂
Your little lady is seriously one of the brightest girl I’ve ever seen!
I hope Ruby had a wonderful birthday!
Aww, so cute, she’s getting so big! This makes me want my own baby! My husband says we have to deck out his jeep first because we’ll be broke once we have a kid. Haha I gave him a year. 😉
As a Mama of a 20 month old, I can say that things happen very quickly! It’s amazing how much baby’s language develops from this point forward.
PS. Love the painting in your pics!
xo Green Gable
This girl makes me giggle every time! So precious and I love to see her talking! Thanks for sharing!
this video makes my heart explode! cuteness!!!
She’s just too cute!!
Thanks Pam! Hope youre well and had a nice time in LA recently!
I love Ruby’s silly 18-month photo! What a cutie. My daughter just turned two and I have to say that this is THE best age. It really does get better and better 🙂
My youngest is 14.5 months and Ruby always seemed so much older, but I think they’re getting to the age where they just look like toddlers 🙂 Ruby is too cute.
thats the cutest video! it does get better and better 🙂
She is adorable and so smart 🙂 Love how you have consistently taken a picture of her each month..She is beautiful!
She is DARLING! Oh my gosh… what a cutie! 🙂 It is impossible to watch that video and not smile! 🙂
what a little sweetie! she is the cutest little girl in the world!
She is definitely a cutie and you have a very good eye for a good picture.. with all the colours and the whole framing, excellent 🙂
She is so cute and so gorgeous,;loved the video!
Oh my word, she’s so adorable! I really love to see her giggling. Happy 18 months, Ruby! Big hug from Indonesia. 😀
Such a cute and NON cheesy way to capture the months! your living room is amazing.
Soo adorable and cute!
Beautiful a Blog !!!