I think in color, I dream in color, and my brain gets inspired by color. Just a few color palettes that are really doing it for me lately…
P.S. more color…
{Photo sources: Kristen Grove's bedroom via Rue Magazine, Kenzo Spring 2011, Swedish pancakes by Linda Lomelino.}
ha ha just this morning i scrolled this board of yours all the way down and repinned a lot from it! colour is something important for me too!
Especially loving those shades of green. Absolutely beautiful!
So beautiful!
yummy pancakes. Can someone please tell me what that thing bulging under the apron in the second picture is. I really need to spend more time in the kitchen, because I have no idea what it could/should be.
I love the colours so much and have adored the Kenzo outfit for so long now! Jade & peach are the colours I’m crushing on right now… can’t get enough! x
i think & dream in color too…its one of my greatest passions. and when i was a kid i used to associate people’s names with colors. so for example, the name sarah was red to me. or vanessa was purple. katie was pink. now i have a job in color in the fashion industry 🙂
Beautiful! Loving these shades of muted green 🙂
Yeeeeeeess. Love muted green! 🙂
xo, Lily on Fillmore
I love all of these colors together!
Love the muted but still eye catching color palette!
Wowser, that Kenzo outfit is amazing! Gorgeous colours. I am following your Pinterest color board too. x
those swedish pancakes… that is stunning!
I love that green bra in the Kenzo collection photo – cute xx
3 very different but equally stunning images! very lovely, joy!
Love the colours and patterns in the Kenzo outfit. And would love to cut up that stack of pancakes and eat it like a slice of cake! 🙂
I am forever in love with that Kenzo collection. I think it will be a life-long favorite!