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currently snacking on…

marzipan candy from paris

marzipan candy from paris

marzipan candy from paris

I've been slowly making my way through our Paris treats, and I had to share these beauties with you that I got from A la Mère de Famille in Paris. Called "calissons" (or marzipan candy), these little confections are seriously in the "too pretty to eat" category. I've been staring at them for weeks and finally took a bite. They're dense, chewy, and sweet with a nice almond flavor—similar to other marizipan candies I've had before but not overly sweet. I also think they make really pretty inspiration for sugar cookies painted in pretty pearlescent tops…

{Photo by Oh Joy. Similar tray from Jayson Home, napkin by A Sunny Afternoon.}


  1. they are delicious. They are just called ‘calissons’ or ‘Calisson d’Aix’, after the town they are from. The ‘réglette’ is the plastic box they come in.

  2. My favorite calissons come from the company, La Cure Gourmande. They have a handful of the shops throughout Europe. And interestingly enough traditionally they are made with almond, candied orange peel, and crystalized melon… which is just a melon boiled in sugar until it’s transparent that looks an awful lot like a pumpkin. I pick up a bunch while I’m there, but I actually think I’ll just start searching for that candied melon/squash so I can make my own! Thank you for sharing, because now I remember!!


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