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Oh Joy | Photo by Bonnie Tsang

Oh Joy | Photo by Bonnie Tsang

I am thankful that my parents came to this country 38 years ago with only $600 to their name and the dream to start a new life in the States.

I am thankful that even while on welfare and living in student housing with a new baby, they worked hard, started their own business, and found the American dream. I learned so much about starting something from nothing and going after what you want through them.

I am thankful to have a husband who is my biggest supporter, who inspires me to be the best version of myself, and who can laugh with me on a daily basis.

I am thankful to have friends who inspire with their creativity and talent, friends that remind me that it's okay not to have it all figured out, and friends in which we can always pick up where we left off like no time has passed.

I am thankful to have a child—one that delights me daily and makes me appreciate the simple moments of life (and makes me more aware of my actions) thanks to her curiosity and determination.

I am thankful to have a job that I love—even if most people don't really understand what I do.

I am thankful for you and that you care to visit my little place on the internet, otherwise this whole blogging thing wouldn't nearly be as fun without you.

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving for those of you who are celebrating! I'd love to hear what you're thankful for this year. And, I'll see you back here on Monday after a little rest and a whole lot of eating…

{Thanks Bonnie for the photo!}


  1. Happy Thanksgiving everyone. I am thankful for my beautiful family and this wonderful life. For my lovely friends and the person that I am. For the opportunities which make us who we are and for all the love and joy around me!

  2. Happy Thanksgiving, Joy!
    I am thankful for my family and the friends that are currently in my life, my job, my health, and the ability to do all the things that make me happy.

  3. Darling,
    We are thankful to have you, Jay,Bob and Ruby to our live.
    We are thankful that all of you are happy,healthy and has a beautiful life. We are very proud of all of you. Enjoy Thanksgiving Day. We love you.

  4. Darling,
    We are thankful to have you, Jay,Bob and Ruby to our live.
    We are thankful that all of you are happy,healthy and has a beautiful life. We are very proud of all of you. Enjoy Thanksgiving Day. We love you.

  5. Darling,
    We are thankful to have you, Jay,Bob and Ruby to our live.
    We are thankful that all of you are happy,healthy and has a beautiful life. We are very proud of all of you. Enjoy Thanksgiving Day. We love you.

  6. Darling,
    We are thankful to have you, Jay,Bob and Ruby to our live.
    We are thankful that all of you are happy,healthy and has a beautiful life. We are very proud of all of you. Enjoy Thanksgiving Day. We love you.

  7. Darling,
    We are thankful to have you, Jay,Bob and Ruby to our live.
    We are thankful that all of you are happy,healthy and has a beautiful life. We are very proud of all of you. Enjoy Thanksgiving Day. We love you.

  8. Darling,
    We are thankful to have you, Jay,Bob and Ruby to our live.
    We are thankful that all of you are happy,healthy and has a beautiful life. We are very proud of all of you. Enjoy Thanksgiving Day. We love you.

  9. Darling,
    We are thankful to have you, Jay,Bob and Ruby to our live.
    We are thankful that all of you are happy,healthy and has a beautiful life. We are very proud of all of you. Enjoy Thanksgiving Day. We love you.

  10. Darling,
    We are thankful to have you, Jay,Bob and Ruby to our live.
    We are thankful that all of you are happy,healthy and has a beautiful life. We are very proud of all of you. Enjoy Thanksgiving Day. We love you.

  11. Darling,
    We are thankful to have you, Jay,Bob and Ruby to our live.
    We are thankful that all of you are happy,healthy and has a beautiful life. We are very proud of all of you. Enjoy Thanksgiving Day. We love you.

  12. Darling,
    We are thankful to have you, Jay,Bob and Ruby to our live.
    We are thankful that all of you are happy,healthy and has a beautiful life. We are very proud of all of you. Enjoy Thanksgiving Day. We love you.

  13. This is very sweet. Thank you for making me realizes the little things in life and where it all started. I’m thankful for my parents as well. I wouldn’t be where I am today if they didn’t go through all the struggles of escaping the Vietnam War and coming to America with nothing.
    I’m thankful for them working several jobs to support five kids, just so we didn’t have to go through what they went through.
    I’m thankful for each and every day, and for the people that I have met along the way.
    I’m thankful for my siblings for always supporting me and making life full of laughs and great memories.
    I’m thankful for my boyfriend and his family, because they love me for who I am and have made life more adventurous.
    I’m thankful for God who has always been there since day one. I’m thankful for all challenges he brings to us, all the new doors he has opened, and all the miracles and prayers he has answered.
    Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Also thank you Joy for being such an inspiration. 🙂

  14. that comment above from your mom and dad is the sweetest!
    I am so thankful this year for our little family of my husband and 9 month old daughter. We have never been happier. My husband works so hard to take care of us and I am lucky to stay at home with our girl.
    I am thankful for my parents who come over and spoil me with food, play with their granddaughter, and help with yard work.
    So much to be thankful for every day and all year long, big things and little things (peanut butter cups, ripe pears, pants that fit great, comfy shoes, for example).

  15. Beautifully said..
    I’m thankful I came across your blog 7 years ago in Architecture School! I still remember the sweaty computer lab that I was in – researching for my next studio project when I stumbled upon your page!!
    The constant viewer you see from Ottawa/Toronto (Canada), that’s probably me! 🙂
    -Narae xo

  16. This is so lovely. I am thankful for the amount I have grown this year and how comfortable I have become in my own skin. Thanks for always being so inspiring, Joy – I am actually wearing a dress I got from your yard sale back in April to my Thanksgiving tomorrow!

  17. I am thankful for you, Joy. I love the fact that you are Asian-American, stylish, creative, a great writer, and a mom of a 2 year old, too! I put your blog in my “Must Read” section of feedly because yours is the first I read every morning. Thank you for sharing some of your private life with us, and Happy Thanksgiving to my favorite online family!

  18. Such a lovely, heartfelt list Joy. I’m thankful for my husband who believes in me no matter what. I’m thankful my mom survived her aneurysm and is around to celebrate another holiday with us. I’m thankful for the roof over my head and food in my fridge. I’m thankful for the promise of tomorrow.

  19. Your parents’ comment is absolutely precious!!!
    I am thankful for the little things that we take for granted daily: you husband always offering the last bite, a coworker who leaves a bouquet of flowers to brighten your day, a grateful stranger thanking you for the smallest gesture of kindness, my nephew who laughs at his own jokes… but without these little moments, my life is incomplete.

  20. Being a silent follower for many years, I feel compelled to say something after reading this post. THANK YOU for being an inspiration to many of us. I too was moved by your parents’ comment. It was heart-felt and made your sharing most special.
    As a recent transplant to the country, I am thankful for the opportunity to build a new life with my husband. I am thankful that I was able to rekindle the relationship with my parents & siblings back home before I bid goodbye to them. I am thankful for each and every day that we can pay it forward from people we’ve met along the way and blessings we receive to make this a beautiful experience. Again, THANK YOU for sharing this!

  21. I was a silent follower of your blog as well….but this posting inspired me be a little brave:)
    In this said…I’m thankful that my kids and I came to this country 16 years ago with only $800 in my bank and a million $ dream to start a new life in US with more hope to do what i love – art…… and a provide a better feature for my kids….
    I’m thankful for a seasonal changes, which is always a perfect reminder that we aren’t in control …. some days are sunny and some are rainy……so let’s be a very grateful for what is given us everyday!
    I’m so thankful for all of my new friends I found through blogging. I learned a lot and I grew a lot with you. I’m thankful for being for me when I have a stumble, and looking for help with my online enterprise. Thank you for motivating me moving forward!

  22. i am thankful for my beautiful, smart, funny, talented friend joy. even tho i know she;ll read this and say “oh, i KNOW you’re thankful for me woman but…” 🙂


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