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Food Kids

a little pizza party…

Oh Joy | Toddler Pizza Class

Oh Joy | Toddler Pizza Class

We're very lucky to have a lot of entrepreneurial friends and see behind-the-scenes of different kinds of businesses. Recently, we were invited to our friend's pizza shop to have a pizza-making lesson with their son and his two besties (Ruby being one of them). Short of toddler Zumba, this may have been the cutest thing I have ever seen…

Oh Joy | Toddler Pizza Class

Oh Joy | Toddler Pizza Class

Oh Joy | Toddler Pizza Class

Oh Joy | Toddler Pizza Class

Oh Joy | Toddler Pizza Class

The kids loved the process of making something from scratch and getting to see how it's transformed into something you can actually eat. The grown-ups got in on the fun, too. I can't say my pizza toss is as good as Garrett's (on the left), but it's pretty fun to throw dough in the air, regardless…

Oh Joy | Toddler Pizza Class

After lots of flour in our hair, dough on our fingers, and toddler kisses to be had, we had a fun lunch eating the pizzas we made with the kids. Doing things like this always inspires me to create more moments like this at home where we can have Ruby be a part of our meal-making or baking process. Thanks so much to Garrett, Marisa, and little Cam at Tomato Pie for having us! We love you guys!

P.S. A cute video from the lesson if you'd like to see…


  1. Apologies if you’ve already shared this previously, but what camera do you use? Thank you! Beautiful photos, capturing beautiful moments…

  2. Ack! Too too adorable! I just died from cute overload! And Tomatoe Pie is our ultimate favorite pizza joint in our ‘hood!

  3. Toddler kisses are out of control cute! Great shot!
    Good idea to have kids make their own pizzas. They certainly love playing with the dough.
    Inspired post and fun blog! Thanks!

  4. What a fun idea! I wish more businesses did this kind of thing for kids, and adults too! Weren’t field trips always the best part of school? I love the photo where you see them standing on the boxes–so cute!


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