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2014, i’m into you…

Oh Joy

Oh Joy

While I typically dislike resolutions, last year I started making mine more simple, and focusing on just a few things I want to work on in the new year, as well as some things I've already been doing and want to continue. I feel like improving yourself should be a continual thing—not just something you do at the beginning of the year—but a new year always helps shed light on how we want to make this one even better than the last. 

And while it can be hard to admit the things you don't like about yourself, I think that sharing your dreams/fears/goals with others helps make you more accountable—so I want to share a few things I'm working on for 2014…

1. Kick envy in the face. Jealousy of any kind is not good…and we never want to admit that we feel jealous of others. But we do—at least, I do. Envy doesn't mean that you're not happy for someone else, it means you want what they have. Yes, I want to be able to have enough saved to buy a great house or land that amazing project. But what I'm going to try and work on in 2014 is to turn those jealous feelings into motivation. I want to own a house, too? Well, then I'll work my butt off to save and save and get one of my very own.

2. Ask for help. I was talking to a good friend about this the other day. In Asian culture, we're taught to just do what needs to be done, not to complain, and make things happen ourselves. In some ways, that's taught me to be a go-getter, but in other ways it's caused me to have a hard time asking for help when I really need it. No one can do it all, and we all need help from those that love us. But they don't know if we don't ask.

3. Make phone calls. In these days of texting, email, social media, and instant everything, we communicate more often than ever with people we know, yet rarely actually talk to them on the phone. Every year when my birthday comes around, the wishes that mean the most are the ones where I get to hear my loved ones' voices and make a real connection with them, even if just for a minute or two. So I'm going to try and pick up the phone more often and make a real connection through the sound of our voices instead of the sound of a text message.

4. Have more fun. Oh boy, I can be so serious sometimes that it kills me. It's the conservative part of me that doesn't want to show too much excitement or just let loose a little. Having a toddler has made me get over that real quick, because you'll be as silly as you need to be to make your kid happy. But I want to instill this in my own life, too. I've been taking fun dance classes for exercise that remind me that I don't have to be good at it, I can just dance because it's fun and makes me happy.

Oh Joy

And because I think you should always pat yourself on the back for at least one thing you've been doing well, I want to continue to…

Surround myself with inspiring people. At some point you reach an age where you feel like you have enough friends and don't need any more social obligations to add to your list. But when someone new comes along who gives you joy in some way, they are worth making the time for. I feel I have been lucky to find an amazing group of friends who inspire me and keep pushing me to a better mother/designer/blogger/wife/person through the examples they set in their own lives.

So tell me, friends: What's one thing you're working on improving this year and one thing you can pat yourself on the back for? I'd love to hear! 

{Top photo by Bonnie Tsang, bottom photo by Jennifer Young.}


  1. My sister and I have made it our goal this year to send actual LETTERS in the mail to each other once a week!

  2. I didn’t even think to add “make more phone calls” to my resolution list…that’s a BRILLIANT idea. I might be stealing that one to couple with my other resolutions, which consist mostly of taking more time to relax and see the good things in life. I think a phone call definitely qualifies as something good in life!

  3. Such great goals! I’ve been thinking a lot about this, because it’s all about coming back to what really matters + enjoying who we are + who we love + where we are going! Love this!
    It’s pure Joy to read you, lovely Joy!

  4. Great post Joy! I especially love the first goal. Our happiness is what we make it and if we want something then we can have it! Envy just makes us feel bad and who wants to feel bad? Thanks for sharing!

  5. I usually hate how resolutions are in the beginning of the year as well, and didn’t have any clear ones until I read your post (besides just doing bigger and better things). However, it is nice to have some more specific ones I think…
    Mine are:
    1) Be happy for others. I read this article about Happiness and one of the bullet points was, being happy for your friends’ successes. While this sounds obvious, it’s in contrast to people who are only there for friends when they’re down and upset, “the friend in need.” While it’s nice to comfort a struggling friend, it takes just as much guts to “support others’ highs” as it does to “support others’ lows.” I earnestly congratulate people on new accomplishments, but I’ll be honest, I can’t wait to feel genuine, pure excitement for them, without feeling a twinge of inadequacy for myself.
    2) Confront people, good and bad. I’ve been working on this as well, but I still have anxiety sometimes about “bothering” people without my own needs, whether it’s an employer or stranger on the street. I strive to stop reading too much into people’s feelings and stand up for myself.

  6. These are such wonderful goals for the year, Joy! I love the goal of picking up the phone a little more. I could be better with that as well, so I may just snag that one for myself. 🙂 Happy New Year!

  7. Great resolutions! I’m trying to turn my energies towards living a more authentic life. I’m sure that it won’t be easy, but in this day and age it feels necessary to find my true happiness.

  8. great photos! ruby is so adorable.
    i love your resolutions for the year… i really like the idea of calling. i have to admit, i’m SUCH a texter, to the point where i almost feel uncomfortable talking to people on the phone! why do i even pay for minutes, lol?
    also, i like the jealousy one… jealousy is so bad! i’ve been really good about it, but want to be even more so this year, too 🙂
    happy new year to you and your family! <3

  9. so inspiring! i definitely need to work on comparing myself to others. i think with the age of social media and blogging it makes it so easy to get caught up on what others have that you want, but like you said instead of feeling envy it can be used as motivation. my other goal for this year is to take more chances 🙂
    Molly {Dreams in HD}

  10. I love that your resolutions are not about changing who you are as a person, but rather how you live in the world. These really resonate with my goals for 2014 … especially the bit about having more fun. Happy New Year, Joy!

  11. Your second resolution really resonates with me. Perhaps it’s the Asian in me as well :). I have a hard time letting people in and relinquishing the to-do list. Perhaps this is a selfish resolution, but my biggest goal for 2014 is to grow my business. To do it with integrity. I suppose I can pat myself on the back for being a good friend…but that’s because others have been such a good friend to me first. Great post Joy…I always enjoy it when you share personal reflections.

  12. Hi Joy! Love hearing these personal posts from you. My goal for 2014 is to “live by design” – meaning, I design my life, my joy, my purpose and meaning. It’s kind of like what you said: “I want to own a house, too? Well, then I’ll work my butt off to save and save and get one of my very own.” I’m also working to stop letting self-doubt steal my joy. I think a lot of women, such as myself and what I can gather of you, are perfectionists who strive for perfection but when we fall short, we let self-doubt take over and rob us of the joy and beauty around us. So, I want to do a better job of taking things in stride and giving myself some grace so I can enjoy life and not expect myself to be perfect or compare myself to others.

  13. I really like what you said about “kicking envy in the face” I have to agree with you because I tend to feel envious at times. Anyhow, this year I want to spend more time on bettering myself as a person, working on qualities that will make me a better person, being more patient, have more self control, being more caring and listening better to others, and being genuine. I am not a bad person but I can definetly make changes. I can “pat myself on the back” for being able to recognize my flaws and trying to make it better.

  14. What a great list, Joy! I have enjoyed reading your blog for the past few years, seeing your family grow, and being inspired by your creativity! You can pat yourself on the back for that, too!
    The thing I will continue to do/pat myself on the back for is: yoga! I started doing yoga two years ago because of chronic back pain, and not only has it relieved the pain almost completely, but it has helped me to center myself, work through issues, and become a better person in general. That and I’m a lot stronger physically too! So, for the second year in a row, I want to continue that good habit.
    Thanks for sharing!

  15. I second the envy one Joy! I just read this quote the other day ( and I know quotes can be exhausting sometimes, but they often ring true to the heart) that says, Worrying is like praying for what you don’t want.
    This last year all I did was worry. I worried about how I was going to make money (still do), I worried about starting a family, I worried about if I was going to have trouble starting a family. All these worries + fears that kept me from enjoying my life. So I guess that is my New Year’s resolution this year – to worry less. We can keep each other accountable!

  16. These are so great, Joy! I started actively working on #1 all the last year. I just had a conversation about this with my husband over the weekend and sister yesterday! I have basically accepted that jealousy, for me, is such a waste of emotion and energy. Anytime I might feel jealous, I tell myself instead to feel inspired and impressed. I’m really competitive and I have realized that whenever I would become jealous, it was really self reflection… feeling upset that I wasn’t as good as “that” person. So once I accepted that, then there really wasn’t any reason to feel jealous anymore! If someone is better at something or has more of anything, you should feel happy for them – they haven’t done anything wrong to you and I feel like oftentimes, jealousy turns into a dislike for someone for no reason. Projecting your own disappointment at yourself onto others. Instead, I think it should be something like: “Dang! That is SO good. You are so great at that! Good for you!” Nowadays, I try to praise and/or befriend the person and focus inward on being a better me at whatever it is I’m hoping to accomplish. Challenge myself to do something better or new or different… it’s so liberating when you’re not distracted with jealousy/envy. 🙂

  17. These are so great, Joy! I started actively working on #1 all the last year. I just had a conversation about this with my husband over the weekend and sister yesterday! I have basically accepted that jealousy, for me, is such a waste of emotion and energy. Anytime I might feel jealous, I tell myself instead to feel inspired and impressed. I’m really competitive and I have realized that whenever I would become jealous, it was really self reflection… feeling upset that I wasn’t as good as “that” person. So once I accepted that, then there really wasn’t any reason to feel jealous anymore! If someone is better at something or has more of anything, you should feel happy for them – they haven’t done anything wrong to you and I feel like oftentimes, jealousy turns into a dislike for someone for no reason. Projecting your own disappointment at yourself onto others. Instead, I think it should be something like: “Dang! That is SO good. You are so great at that! Good for you!” Nowadays, I try to praise and/or befriend the person and focus inward on being a better me at whatever it is I’m hoping to accomplish. Challenge myself to do something better or new or different… it’s so liberating when you’re not distracted with jealousy/envy. 🙂

  18. These are so great, Joy! I started actively working on #1 all the last year. I just had a conversation about this with my husband over the weekend and sister yesterday! I have basically accepted that jealousy, for me, is such a waste of emotion and energy. Anytime I might feel jealous, I tell myself instead to feel inspired and impressed. I’m really competitive and I have realized that whenever I would become jealous, it was really self reflection… feeling upset that I wasn’t as good as “that” person. So once I accepted that, then there really wasn’t any reason to feel jealous anymore! If someone is better at something or has more of anything, you should feel happy for them – they haven’t done anything wrong to you and I feel like oftentimes, jealousy turns into a dislike for someone for no reason. Projecting your own disappointment at yourself onto others. Instead, I think it should be something like: “Dang! That is SO good. You are so great at that! Good for you!” Nowadays, I try to praise and/or befriend the person and focus inward on being a better me at whatever it is I’m hoping to accomplish. Challenge myself to do something better or new or different… it’s so liberating when you’re not distracted with jealousy/envy. 🙂

  19. These are so great, Joy! I started actively working on #1 all the last year. I just had a conversation about this with my husband over the weekend and sister yesterday! I have basically accepted that jealousy, for me, is such a waste of emotion and energy. Anytime I might feel jealous, I tell myself instead to feel inspired and impressed. I’m really competitive and I have realized that whenever I would become jealous, it was really self reflection… feeling upset that I wasn’t as good as “that” person. So once I accepted that, then there really wasn’t any reason to feel jealous anymore! If someone is better at something or has more of anything, you should feel happy for them – they haven’t done anything wrong to you and I feel like oftentimes, jealousy turns into a dislike for someone for no reason. Projecting your own disappointment at yourself onto others. Instead, I think it should be something like: “Dang! That is SO good. You are so great at that! Good for you!” Nowadays, I try to praise and/or befriend the person and focus inward on being a better me at whatever it is I’m hoping to accomplish. Challenge myself to do something better or new or different… it’s so liberating when you’re not distracted with jealousy/envy. 🙂

  20. These are so great, Joy! I started actively working on #1 all the last year. I just had a conversation about this with my husband over the weekend and sister yesterday! I have basically accepted that jealousy, for me, is such a waste of emotion and energy. Anytime I might feel jealous, I tell myself instead to feel inspired and impressed. I’m really competitive and I have realized that whenever I would become jealous, it was really self reflection… feeling upset that I wasn’t as good as “that” person. So once I accepted that, then there really wasn’t any reason to feel jealous anymore! If someone is better at something or has more of anything, you should feel happy for them – they haven’t done anything wrong to you and I feel like oftentimes, jealousy turns into a dislike for someone for no reason. Projecting your own disappointment at yourself onto others. Instead, I think it should be something like: “Dang! That is SO good. You are so great at that! Good for you!” Nowadays, I try to praise and/or befriend the person and focus inward on being a better me at whatever it is I’m hoping to accomplish. Challenge myself to do something better or new or different… it’s so liberating when you’re not distracted with jealousy/envy. 🙂

  21. These are so great, Joy! I started actively working on #1 all the last year. I just had a conversation about this with my husband over the weekend and sister yesterday! I have basically accepted that jealousy, for me, is such a waste of emotion and energy. Anytime I might feel jealous, I tell myself instead to feel inspired and impressed. I’m really competitive and I have realized that whenever I would become jealous, it was really self reflection… feeling upset that I wasn’t as good as “that” person. So once I accepted that, then there really wasn’t any reason to feel jealous anymore! If someone is better at something or has more of anything, you should feel happy for them – they haven’t done anything wrong to you and I feel like oftentimes, jealousy turns into a dislike for someone for no reason. Projecting your own disappointment at yourself onto others. Instead, I think it should be something like: “Dang! That is SO good. You are so great at that! Good for you!” Nowadays, I try to praise and/or befriend the person and focus inward on being a better me at whatever it is I’m hoping to accomplish. Challenge myself to do something better or new or different… it’s so liberating when you’re not distracted with jealousy/envy. 🙂

  22. These are so great, Joy! I started actively working on #1 all the last year. I just had a conversation about this with my husband over the weekend and sister yesterday! I have basically accepted that jealousy, for me, is such a waste of emotion and energy. Anytime I might feel jealous, I tell myself instead to feel inspired and impressed. I’m really competitive and I have realized that whenever I would become jealous, it was really self reflection… feeling upset that I wasn’t as good as “that” person. So once I accepted that, then there really wasn’t any reason to feel jealous anymore! If someone is better at something or has more of anything, you should feel happy for them – they haven’t done anything wrong to you and I feel like oftentimes, jealousy turns into a dislike for someone for no reason. Projecting your own disappointment at yourself onto others. Instead, I think it should be something like: “Dang! That is SO good. You are so great at that! Good for you!” Nowadays, I try to praise and/or befriend the person and focus inward on being a better me at whatever it is I’m hoping to accomplish. Challenge myself to do something better or new or different… it’s so liberating when you’re not distracted with jealousy/envy. 🙂

  23. These are so great, Joy! I started actively working on #1 all the last year. I just had a conversation about this with my husband over the weekend and sister yesterday! I have basically accepted that jealousy, for me, is such a waste of emotion and energy. Anytime I might feel jealous, I tell myself instead to feel inspired and impressed. I’m really competitive and I have realized that whenever I would become jealous, it was really self reflection… feeling upset that I wasn’t as good as “that” person. So once I accepted that, then there really wasn’t any reason to feel jealous anymore! If someone is better at something or has more of anything, you should feel happy for them – they haven’t done anything wrong to you and I feel like oftentimes, jealousy turns into a dislike for someone for no reason. Projecting your own disappointment at yourself onto others. Instead, I think it should be something like: “Dang! That is SO good. You are so great at that! Good for you!” Nowadays, I try to praise and/or befriend the person and focus inward on being a better me at whatever it is I’m hoping to accomplish. Challenge myself to do something better or new or different… it’s so liberating when you’re not distracted with jealousy/envy. 🙂

  24. These are so great, Joy! I started actively working on #1 all the last year. I just had a conversation about this with my husband over the weekend and sister yesterday! I have basically accepted that jealousy, for me, is such a waste of emotion and energy. Anytime I might feel jealous, I tell myself instead to feel inspired and impressed. I’m really competitive and I have realized that whenever I would become jealous, it was really self reflection… feeling upset that I wasn’t as good as “that” person. So once I accepted that, then there really wasn’t any reason to feel jealous anymore! If someone is better at something or has more of anything, you should feel happy for them – they haven’t done anything wrong to you and I feel like oftentimes, jealousy turns into a dislike for someone for no reason. Projecting your own disappointment at yourself onto others. Instead, I think it should be something like: “Dang! That is SO good. You are so great at that! Good for you!” Nowadays, I try to praise and/or befriend the person and focus inward on being a better me at whatever it is I’m hoping to accomplish. Challenge myself to do something better or new or different… it’s so liberating when you’re not distracted with jealousy/envy. 🙂

  25. These are so great, Joy! I started actively working on #1 all the last year. I just had a conversation about this with my husband over the weekend and sister yesterday! I have basically accepted that jealousy, for me, is such a waste of emotion and energy. Anytime I might feel jealous, I tell myself instead to feel inspired and impressed. I’m really competitive and I have realized that whenever I would become jealous, it was really self reflection… feeling upset that I wasn’t as good as “that” person. So once I accepted that, then there really wasn’t any reason to feel jealous anymore! If someone is better at something or has more of anything, you should feel happy for them – they haven’t done anything wrong to you and I feel like oftentimes, jealousy turns into a dislike for someone for no reason. Projecting your own disappointment at yourself onto others. Instead, I think it should be something like: “Dang! That is SO good. You are so great at that! Good for you!” Nowadays, I try to praise and/or befriend the person and focus inward on being a better me at whatever it is I’m hoping to accomplish. Challenge myself to do something better or new or different… it’s so liberating when you’re not distracted with jealousy/envy. 🙂

  26. You are just the neatest person. I love how colorful your life is. Your style just makes me giddy! And I have to say, THANK YOU for promoting the reward and intrinsic value of saving up for a house. It seems that immediate gratification is the thing to do nowadays, and it just gets people into trouble. It is so refreshing to hear someone successful and happy talk about the worth of saving up for a wonderful home.

  27. In this time, I have a complex illness and the principal cause is sadness into my body, so i decide to health me inside.
    I decide that this year, is my year. And every day is my day. Enjoy, smile, be patient and more listen than talking…
    Have a really nice, and simple, day.

  28. This year I will do better at making things happen that I want to happen- be proactive, and maybe even a bit audacious! Last year I was really good at finding time to be happy and enjoy what I already have, I hope to find even more opportunities to make that happen this year! Thanks Joy for such awesome posts! I look forward to another year of inspiration and adorable little Ruby!

  29. So nice to hear from you! And yes, I agree its a waste of energy and not a great feeling to have. Lets turn it into something great instead!!

  30. From experience I can say that asking for help isn’t just difficult in Asian cultures – it’s just hard sometimes because it’s easy to fall into the trap of thinking that it would be less hassle to just get your head down and do it yourself, even if that means you get behind.
    What I’ve found useful is to remember that if I ask for help I’m not showing weakness, I’m actually letting someone else have an opportunity to develop new skills and be empowered. It’s a totally positive thing! 🙂
    My New Years resolution is to save a bit, de-clutter (REALLY need to work on that one) and to bake lots of delicious treats!

  31. These are great. Resolutions are: to warm my slippers by the stove, and to work on shutting off the voice that often tells me I’m not a good mother. It’s not helpful!

  32. Just did a podcast about this for my two blogs – I agree that it shouldn’t be like Valentine’s Day where it’s just a focus on one day/time of year. Would LOVE to have you on as a guest sometime, by the way!

  33. How was your day off mom, texted my 17 year old daughter. I texted “I had a wonderful day. A manicure, pedicure, watched “Fargo” and made soup for our dinner tonight. I want to do more for myself and enjoy each day” She texted back “Awsome Mom!” ” I’m glad your taking mote time for yourself”. Right there I new that it would break my heart if my daughter went through life not asking for help and ignoring her needs. So this is for both of us. (She did text later on that she really needs a mani/pedi)

  34. What a great list! These all spoke to me very much. I think we all struggle with envy, especially in our social media driven society and it takes work to stay focused on the blessings we already have and the work we need to do to get the other things we’d like.
    I could definitely lighten up a bit and ask for more help too. My conservative upbringing and Type A perfectionism certainly don’t help these areas.
    Thanks for sharing, Joy!

  35. I can definitely relate to #1 on your list, but I must admit that I find it comforting to know I’m not alone in that. 🙂
    One of my goals this year is to throw some caution to the wind. I tend to never throw any, which leads me to over-analyzing and stressing. Unfortunately, that has held me back from things a little more often than I’d like to admit, but here’s to 2014 and making things happen! 🙂

  36. I love these Joy. Thanks so much for sharing. I have to admit that tonight I had a major bout of envy so it seems very appropriate that I am reading this right now. I have been in a relationship for 6 years, I’m getting the itch to get married, but I don’t know if it’s going to happen with the man that I’m with. Naturally I have my wedding ring all picked out and today I learned that one of my friends who recently got engaged has my dream ring. I can hardly stand to see myself typing these words. It is such a petty thing to be envious about but oh man today I’m embarrassed to say, I was all kinds of envious. I’ve always said that comparing your life to others is a trap. Under no circumstances is it useful. But today I stepped right into it. I want to be better at not letting my ego get into a frenzy just because I would like something that someone else has. I want to remind myself that I am blessed with enough and I may be blessed with more one day, but if that day never comes I am enough. Ugh…easier said than done 🙂

  37. Lovely to hear your aims for 2014!
    I think Number 1 on the list is everyones downfall at times, I know it’s mine. It’s hard not to be envious at times or feel that the grass is greener, but I’m making sure I’m happy with what I’ve got.
    Only today I saw a fellow artists work and saw how they are motoring on with things already this year, there was a twinge of envy for a minute or two, then I had to give myself a talking to ( a nice one, that is ; )
    I’m busy, I’ve got work on, just not stuff I can show at the minute, but which soon be revealed, and I’m working with some fabulous people! It just made me realise how lucky I am to be working in a field I love.
    My grass is already green.
    Thanks for sharing as always. x x x

  38. Great post, totally agree. I used to make huge resolution lists of all the things that I wanted to I just try to focus on those things that are going to make me feel better with my self! Happy 2014!

  39. Gotta agree with “have more fun” and “surround myself with inspiring people.”
    I feel like my resolutions had too much of “do this and do that” so this post made me rethink them a bit more.
    Very helpful post!

  40. I haven’t really given much thought to this, but here goes:
    – challenge and grow myself
    – do more than I think is possible

  41. I really appreciate how honest you are in this post. I am becoming a mom of three this year, I had my first in October last year and we’re adopting two more this spring. My goal for 2014 is simple as well, I want to love these kids as much as possible. I want them to feel connected to me and that my love, and their father’s love, is unconditional. That and keep my head above water. 😉 Anyway, I saw that there weren’t a ton of comments on this post and I really wanted you to know that this touched me and that it’s really nice when women share their struggles and successes with each other. We’re all in this together after all.

  42. Not being so serious is such a good thing for me work on. I want to laugh more with my kids. I want to make sure they see me doing things I like, reading, painting, holding hands with their dad, doing service for others and include them. So that if anyone ever asks them “what does your mom like to do?” they know! Hopefully they wont’s say look at the computer! 🙂

  43. I am learning to say NO more. I find I often take on volunteer projects that I’m not particularly enthused about just so it gets done and I find I’m not usually treated very well in the process. This year, although I may take on a couple of smaller projects that don’t thrill me, I vow to enjoy my volunteer work.

  44. Joy, your posts are so genuine and wonderful, this is why you’re one of my favorite bloggers. I love your blog because it’s like hearing from a friend, not like reading an endless magazine type blog with too many guest editors (which are wonderful in their own way, but not when you’re looking to connect with the author).
    I’d like to work on being mindful / doing one thing at a time when possible. Hard with an 11 month old these days, full time job and side jobs of interior design and illustration! However, I’d like to stop thinking I need to do everything right now, or at once, and enjoy the present. That is when I’m with my son, Henry, or completing projects at work, or trying to do too many things at once. That’s my goal for the year!
    Also, I want to get back to making green drinks or healthy smoothies in the morning.
    What have I been doing well? Taking risks and doing things that scare me! Last year I opened my etsy shop to sell watercolors and house portraits, and started an interior design consulting business with my friend, Ann. It was scary but also super rewarding and exciting!

  45. Hi Joy 🙂 I love your goals and really appreciate your honesty! Mine are to stay focused and keep doing what I love even if it takes time until I see the fruits of my hard work.

  46. Hi Joy, great post!! Last year my New Year’s resolution was to finally ‘stop talking and start doing’ – and actually launch my art-inspired business of textile designs and more that I’d contemplated for so long. This year, my goal is to keep at it and keep it growing! It feels so great to have made a dream a reality, and your posts are always a great source of inspiration …Thank you!

  47. I love the phone calls resolution. I think it’s important to keep in touch by phone these days. I used to hate the phone but a long-time friend moved to New York and I’m in CA. I try to call her at least once a week and it’s been great.

  48. I just love your resolutions. They are all so great and doable. And speak to what a kind and intentional person you are. I think it also speaks to your success! Cheers to a New Year!


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