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my latest splurge…

Arro Home

Arro Home

Since we've been saving up for a house, I've been trying not to buy too many things that we don't need. But recently I did take the plunge and splurge on something that has changed my life…

Arro Home

…a king-sized bed. Bob and I had been sleeping on what I thought was a pretty good bed for the last 10 years. But with this 2nd pregnancy, I found it a lot harder to sleep. I take up about 3/4 of the bed with all my tossing and turning, and Bob is usually lucky to get the other 1/4! I just wanted more space to spread out without worrying that I was kicking him in the face in the middle of the night.

So we decided to get a king-sized bed, and we are so much happier.  I've slept better than ever and actually have long, vivid dreams again because I am sleeping so soundly. I wonder why we didn't do it earlier as I'm convinced a big bed is a serious marriage saver (along with separate closets)!

Do you have a splurge like this that felt kind of tough to do in the moment but so worth it after-the-fact?

And, P.S…how amazing is this bedding by Arro Home?

{Photos by Brooke Holm for Arro Home, styling by Marsha Golemac}


  1. I bought a new coffee maker the other day. My income is going down in one area, and I really thought hard about it. But when you find something marked down in clearance and know that it will probably be a long time before you happen upon that again, you sometimes have to go for it. The last trimester of pregnancy is difficult. Enjoy your bed!

  2. i really, really want a king size bed. i always feel like i sleep so much better when we stay in hotels and it seems like such a practical investment…

  3. My husband is 6’4″ and we both like our space when we sleep. (Not to mention, our child climbs into bed with us!) I could not live without one!

  4. My man and I dream about the day we can splurge on a king-sized bed. Right now, I take up about 3/4 of our full-size bed because I have a horrible habit of letting the cats have space to sleep (one of these days I won’t feel guilty about pushing them over!). Needless to say, it does not make him happy..

  5. We have the comfiest bed in the world! But we slept on a King size bed in a hotel once and I have to admit-my life was changed. I have never had so much room in my life, and I’m a tosser too! I told my husband if we get a house and it has a guest room, I want to move the one we have in there and we get the same mattress, but King size ;)Those pictures are super cute and that bedding is adorable. Good splurge!
    xoxo Allison

  6. A king size bed is a must with lots of kids. The greatest moments are when the kids wake up in the morning and climb into bed with us with all their blankets and sleep friends and books and we read until our tummies growl. It’s the greatest!

  7. We have a king sized bed and at first I HATED it – I felt so far away from my husband and thought the extra space was unnecessary, especially since we committed last year to making our dogs sleep on their (comfy, I might add) beds on the floor (a long and arduous journey given their adorable sad faces when we kicked them off at first!). But now I realize how amazing it is to be able to customize our sleep – we can sleep close to each other if we want but we can also spread out and not feel like bed hogs. Now that I’m 6-7 months pregnant, we’ve even started using separate covers since I still toss and turn and was ripping sheets off him left & right, hehe. I highly recommend a king bed to anyone who can fit one in their bedroom! It’s fabulous.

  8. Why is it that pets are so hard to get off the bed?! I’m guessing they have magical powers in those cute eyes 🙂 I still sometimes get adorable/sad looks from my dogs at bed time since they used to sleep on the bed with us but are now vanquished to their dog beds on the floor! I have to admit we sleep better when we’re not having to give them so much space, though.

  9. I’m convinced that this was the best thing my husband and I invested in after we moved into our house. One of our most common fights was over blankets! Now we never have that problem, and we both sleep better than ever 🙂

  10. YES! Did this when we moved into the Palm Springs house and it made such a difference we ditched our queen bed in LA for a king too.
    Also, a marriage saver: separate bathrooms. Just sayin.

  11. We are so use to our full bed that on hotels the king felts huge!! And i dont like the fact that i felt we are “far away” but maybe kids make me change my mind.

  12. Garden furniture! We only bought it a couple of weeks ago and I really can’t think for the life of me why we didn’t go for it sooner – we can eat outside, there’s somewhere comfy to sit – it’s been brilliant!

  13. I’ve nicknamed my husband’s wireless headphones the “marriage savers,” because we share a very small apartment, and he loves to listen to music or watch football games that I don’t want to hear. This way, nobody is tripping over cords, and he can enjoy that which is simply noise to me. To purchase good wireless headphones, he had to spend about $150, but combining two different gift cards with a sale and a coupon, we were able to fit them into our tight budget, and I’m so glad we did!

  14. Could you share any details about which mattress or frame you went with? I think it’s time to make the leap as well, but it’s a big decision with too many choices!

  15. Ha! I agree! My husband used to play video games a lot and the sound of it would drive me crazy. Once he got wireless headphones, we were all much happier 😉

  16. Yes, definitely king-sized bed. Although I didn’t consider it a splurge…it was a necessity. Our daughter crawls into our bed many nights and mornings. Waking up to seeing my husband and daughter sleeping in our bed is probably my favorite thing ever. I just take it in and smile and then go back to sleep.

  17. After sleeping on an almost 20-year old mattress (hand-me-down but it was king sized so hard to say no) and enduring several years of asthma from it (turns out!), we decided to get a new mattress and splurged on a Sleep Number bed. Asthma is gone, and we each sleep so soundly now.

  18. Hi Joy! Congratulations on your big purchase! Would love to hear about any research you did on your mattress/bed frame. I just moved into my very own apartment for the first time, and I am planning to upgrade from a twin to a queen sized bed; but, as others have mentioned, finding the best deal, and knowing what to look for is daunting. Would love to hear any advice you have. Thanks and sweet dreams! 🙂

  19. I only have a few requirements for the next house we move into (in 5-10 years). 1) a dishwasher 2) bigger master closets and bathroom 3) master bedroom big enough for king size bed 4) finished yards. We are going to “splurge” on re-doing our entire backyard next year (1000+ sq. ft) and its going to cost us a ton of money, but we’ll finally be able to use it and our 2 year old will be able to play out there anytime!

  20. Hi Lisa!
    We got a thats soft but still firm. Its SO comfy 😉
    We went to one of those bed stores where you could try it out which kind of creeped me out thinking about all the people that lied on it, but def. the best way to test before spending the money!

  21. LOL! Joy, when I was pregnant I woke up one morning and told John, “that was my last night in this bed.” He could tell I was serious, and I’m not gonna lie — I probably scared him a little with my preggo hormones — so we went out and bought a new mattress that day. You know it was a really crappy mattress when the delivery guys were able to FOLD our old mattress in half and carry it out the door. They were laughing at it! I have never regretted that “splurge.”

  22. My wife and I bought a king-size bed because we bought a king-size house. Well, compared to what we were living in before. When we put the old bed in the bedroom it looked so tiny, and we couldn’t have that now could we! So we got the bed figuring since we now have a major jump in living expenses and dinners out and movies at the theater probably won’t be happening again for the next 30 years we’ll cover the cost of the bed with the savings we earn staying home. That makes sense, right? BTW, WE LOVE THAT BED!!!

  23. It’s been freeeezing in Melbourne, so this winter I splurged on a queen sized goose down blanket, even though we just have a double bed. Winters aren’t very long here, but it was worth the upgrade in size and warmth (from an all-season blanket). Been sleeping so much better! Now, maybe I’ll just splurge on some gorgeous ARRO bedding from Melbourne… 😉

  24. My husband and I are in the market for a king sized bed as well. Mostly because our children usually end up in the bed with us, and a queen sized bed is just not cutting it for a family of four. haha. I found a beautiful frame from west elm, but the biggest thing that is holding me back is finding sheets and bedding that are my taste. It seems so silly, its important to me for our bedroom to be as pretty as it is functional. Right now we have the gold dot sheets from Land of Nod. But everywhere that sells bedding that I feel fits my style is geared to kids and teens (i.e. pbteen, land of nod, urban outfitters, anthropology, mod cloth ext…much to my embarrassment lol) so they do not have king sized offerings. Definitely going to check out Arro Home!

  25. We’ve got a king size bed and I agree, they are a life saver for your marriage and when you have kids. Unfortunately, the one we got has started to hurt my hub’s back after just a few years of ownership so we are looking for a new mattress. Stinks but a good night’s sleep is priceless!

  26. Oh, yes! We just splurged on a king size bed too and it was the best investment we’ve made in a long time! All of us are sleeping better – the little one co-sleeps so we each have a comfy spot now. The hard part is picking out yummy colored sheets and new bedding!

  27. Where did you find all the fun bedding? I just moved to Alaska where the weather can be a bit depressing; I would love some cheerie bedding!

  28. Totally agree! The first purchase after my hubs and I were married was a king sized (Tempurpedic!) bed. Although it was expense, we have 0 regrets. You spend 1/3 of your life sleeping; I felt that was enough justification!
    -Chanelle ::


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