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a monday night ritual…

Oh Joy / Monday Nights

Oh Joy / Monday Nights

Soon after before Ruby was born, we started a ritual of going out to dinner on Monday nights with two other couples/friends who have kids of the same age. I know it sounds odd to make Monday the night to go out (wouldn't Friday or Saturday make more sense as an end of week celebration?). It started as a way for us to try new food trucks in our neighborhood (ah, tiny Ruby in that photo!), and has since become a day for Ruby to see her friends regularly and a chance for us parents to vent over how tired we were or how good (or not good) our kids were being that week. And the last thing I want to do is make dinner on a Monday night (which is usually the busiest work day of the week for both me and Bob). 

Since then, every week for the last three years, we have a standing date at 5:30pm on Monday night. It's early enough that we can get the kids home for their 7:30pm bedtime. And on a Monday, you never have to worry about a reservation. Now that we all have two kids, we're like this giant table of twelve with six parents and six kids. It's sometimes insane trying to wrangle the kids, have our own adult conversations, and feed ourselves and the kids at the same time, but it's one of my favorite parts of my week. I enjoy a nice glass of wine with dinner and kick off the week with a simple celebration of family and friends.

Do you guys have a weekly ritual you look forward to?

{Photo by Bonnie Tsang}


  1. Something to look forward to on a Monday?! Such a great idea.
    My husband has a rotating 4-on/4-off schedule so it’s difficult to make rituals BUT maybe on the first day he has off we should go out to dinner – which for this week, would be tonight! YES.

  2. Since my boyfriend got a new job working second shift at the factory I have been taking him a small hot meal for his break on Friday and sometimes Saturday nights. We get to eat in my car. It is funny thinking what to make. Sometimes I make a big meal and we have it both nights. From time to time I get him fastfood like KFC.

  3. I try a new cupcake venue in Paris each month with my friend Laura. We don’t have a fixed day, but I like the idea that we’re going to meet at least once a month for our cakery rendez-vous 🙂

  4. That’s actually a great idea since Mondays are usually the least favorite day of the week for a lot of people that it’s nice to have something fun to do. 🙂

  5. This is such a nice ritual. It makes me want to set up one like this with our friends. It is unique as well because it gives you something weekend-y on a monday night.

  6. you’re fortunate! we don’t have many friends with children near us…which is why we took the six-week birthing classes lol we plan to shop for parent friends just as much as we plan to learn how to breath through contractions 🙂
    Whoever came up with that idea is genius. The fact that you all stick to it and it’s been three years is amazing. Good friends make the world go ’round. xo

  7. Its not a weekly ritual, but a monthly ritual to catch-up with girlfriends in Sydney for a ‘crafternoon’. With our busy lives it is great to catch-up and everyone work on their latest craft project over a glass of champagne and of course a yummy afternoon tea!

  8. I went out to eat with my husband tonight also! Makes Monday easier to get through. Going out on Tuesday is also nice since I normally get tired of cooking after about one day during the week haha

  9. Before we were married my husband and I always made date night Wednesday night. Nowadays we don’t always go on a date, but often we’ll do something simple and easy like head to the grocery store for a chocolate bar or make pizza together. It feels more special somehow because it’s Wednesday!

  10. What a fun tradition! We love food truck parks for our 18-month-old… she can run around and be as loud as she wants, and my husband and I can sit back and enjoy a glass of wine and some fresh air.

  11. That sounds nice! I am a new mom and looking for ways to have fun with other families. If you dont mind if I ask, how did you meet friends with kids the same age? Or did you know them already? I am having a hard time meeting friends like that. I live in LA but only recently moved here. Thanks!:)

  12. That’s a fantastic idea! We normally do take out on Mondays because they are quite busy here as well. If only we had food trucks in our area – that would an be awesome weekly ritual!

  13. Hi Sarah,
    For this particular group, it was a combo of meeting through our husbands and also through those baby classes at Gymboree. Going to those baby classes can be a great way to meet other moms with kids of the same age.


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