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happiness is…

Oh Joy / photo by Sasha Gulish for Land of Nod

Oh Joy / photo by Sasha Gulish for Land of Nod

…when your baby giggles at your bad French accent.

…eating Girl Scout cookies in bed after your kids have gone to bed.

…eating anything in bed, really.

…when one of your favorite ice cream brands sets up shop in your neighborhood.

…a 3-day weekend that includes Valentine's Day.

…more diversity on TV.

…coming to terms with your post-baby belly and that it just might jiggle like that forever (and that Spanx is a very good thing).

…80 degree weather in March.

…when your toddler talks about falling in love.

maple & sea salt popcorn.

…date night out with your husband after that newborn baby haze.

…dancing your butt off in hip hop class with your friends.

…surrounding yourself with positive, driven people who encourage you to be the best version of yourself.

…day dreaming, night dreaming, and just dreaming in general.

Hey friends, what makes YOU happy?

{Photo by Sasha Gulish for Land of Nod}


  1. “…more diversity on TV.” I’m so happy you said this. I think I wrote here before that it’s so refreshing to see an Asian American woman like you represented in the design media landscape. You are doing groundbreaking stuff, whether you know it or not.

  2. LOVE this list. I especially love “when Valentine’s Day is a 3-day weekend!” I can’t wait for this upcoming long weekend. I’ll be able to enjoy all sorts of little moments like these with my time off 🙂
    Circus & Bloom

  3. LOVE this list. I especially love “when Valentine’s Day is a 3-day weekend!” I can’t wait for this upcoming long weekend. I’ll be able to enjoy all sorts of little moments like these with my time off 🙂
    Circus & Bloom

  4. LOVE this list. I especially love “when Valentine’s Day is a 3-day weekend!” I can’t wait for this upcoming long weekend. I’ll be able to enjoy all sorts of little moments like these with my time off 🙂
    Circus & Bloom

  5. LOVE this list. I especially love “when Valentine’s Day is a 3-day weekend!” I can’t wait for this upcoming long weekend. I’ll be able to enjoy all sorts of little moments like these with my time off 🙂
    Circus & Bloom

  6. LOVE this list. I especially love “when Valentine’s Day is a 3-day weekend!” I can’t wait for this upcoming long weekend. I’ll be able to enjoy all sorts of little moments like these with my time off 🙂
    Circus & Bloom

  7. LOVE this list. I especially love “when Valentine’s Day is a 3-day weekend!” I can’t wait for this upcoming long weekend. I’ll be able to enjoy all sorts of little moments like these with my time off 🙂
    Circus & Bloom

  8. LOVE this list. I especially love “when Valentine’s Day is a 3-day weekend!” I can’t wait for this upcoming long weekend. I’ll be able to enjoy all sorts of little moments like these with my time off 🙂
    Circus & Bloom

  9. LOVE this list. I especially love “when Valentine’s Day is a 3-day weekend!” I can’t wait for this upcoming long weekend. I’ll be able to enjoy all sorts of little moments like these with my time off 🙂
    Circus & Bloom

  10. LOVE this list. I especially love “when Valentine’s Day is a 3-day weekend!” I can’t wait for this upcoming long weekend. I’ll be able to enjoy all sorts of little moments like these with my time off 🙂
    Circus & Bloom

  11. LOVE this list. I especially love “when Valentine’s Day is a 3-day weekend!” I can’t wait for this upcoming long weekend. I’ll be able to enjoy all sorts of little moments like these with my time off 🙂
    Circus & Bloom

  12. I’m starting to feel the same about the post baby belly jiggle. My daughter is 2 and I’m way below my prepregnancy weight..but the jiggle won’t go. Time to get some spanx.

  13. 1.stringed lights
    2.morning coffee with delicious flavored creamer. umm can i have some coffee with my creamer? smh
    3.and of course, everything oh joy. you inspire me to wear color, to enjoy beautiful things (and they don’t have to be expensive), and to be gracious. you never hold back and are constantly sharing everything you know. you help me realize that it’s not a competition – that we’re all in this crazy beautiful mess together. thanks for sharing joy <3

  14. Happiness is eating authentic Taiwanese food — popcorn chicken, Ding Tai Fung XiaoLong Bao, beef noodle soup, and the list goes on 🙂 Oh, and a cup of boba milk tea. I love the “Half & Half Tea House” in LA. Too bad that we don’t have it in the Bay Area.

  15. These days the weather makes me really happy: the sun, the smell of the spring, first flowers. Nothing better than the first signs of spring in February!

  16. Seeing the beautiful faces of you, Ruby, and Coco after a long day at work is the best part of my day. The second best part is seeing your face after we put them to sleep 🙂

  17. heck yeah more diversity on T.V!! I remember never seeing people that looked like me on T.V growing up. You don’t realize at the time just how important that can be to a little kids idea of self and belonging. The first time I saw a little white girl in a Doc McStuffins shirt I actually cried it made me so happy! Annd how amazing is Fresh Off The Boat?! My husband is part japanese and grew up in the 90’s in Orlando so we were instantly obsessed.

  18. Oh I love this so much! And that picture – it just screams of happiness! thanks so much for sharing. I am struggling to find happiness at the moment because I feel like I am surrounded by a lot of people who drain all the joy right out of me. But I am adding little things to my daily life to try to keep my own little happiness – such as starting my daily blog and taking long (and unfortunately also freezing) walks outside. Oh and reading your blog daily, of course 🙂
    Thanks for making me smile, today! Joi xo


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