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one year with coco!

Oh Joy / Coco monthly photo

Oh Joy / Coco monthly photo

I feel like it was just yesterday that I gave birth to this little munchkin. One year ago, I was scared to add another baby to our already very comfortable routine. I didn't think I could love another baby as much as I loved my first. And then Coco came around with her calm, yet persistent, personality and I fell in love all over again. She's been standing up a storm (but not quite walking yet), babbling "thank you" and "agua" and mostly just winning us over with her two-tooth grin. Here's a look back at how my littlest has grown over the past year…

Oh Joy / Coco monthly photo

And um, doing laying down monthly photos is pretty much impossible from 9 months on when they get to be super wiggly and won't stay still (hence these photos get a little wilder near the end). If I had to do it all over again, I would take monthly photos very differently (more on that in another post)!

Oh Joy / Coco monthly photo

These two. It's not always smooth-sailing with sisters, but this is just the beginning of getting to see how they'll interact with each other in the future. No one makes Coco laugh more than Ruby can. And while Ruby gets upset with Coco not always being able to do the same things that she can, Ruby said she's sorry when earlier this year she asked if Coco could live somewhere else. She would like Coco to stay with us now.

{Mini pinata numbers by Katie K. Franklin. Coco's Outfits - 1 MonthBoden onesie, Thief & Bandit leggings, 2 MonthsRylee & Cru onesie, Little Hip Squeaks headband, Freshly Picked moccasins, 3 MonthsLittle Hip Squeaks onesie, Thief & Bandit headband, 4 Months: headband by Thief & Bandit, top and pants from TargetFreshly Picked moccasins, 5 Months: full outfit by Ultra Violet Kids6 Months: top by Ultra Violet Kids, bloomers by House of Mia, hair clip by Pitchoun, blanket by Aden & Anais7 months: tanks by Kira Kids, shorts by Ultra Violet, blanket byLittle Auggie8 months: tank by Thief & Bandit, bloomers by Noe & Zoe, blanket by Virginia Johnson9 months: romper by Sweet Threads, blanket by blanket by Aden & Anais, 10 months: romper by Margherita Kids, 11 months: romper by LemLem, 12 months: orange romper by Hello Ellie.}    


  1. Happy b’day Coco! May she continue to be happy & healthy. These pics are adorable and i love her outfits 🙂 I’m sure the two sisters will end up best friends once they grow up. Sister-bond is so special. Enjoy your precious one!

  2. So funny, my son turns 1 next week and we did the laying down monthly photos too — and I totally agree with you! I’d say the project peaked at about 8 months…after that, forget it! I resorted to doing the last two with him sitting up! Happy birthday to your little lady!

  3. Yay Coco!!! Happy birthday!!! *throws confetti in the air and eats giant cookie on behalf of Coco* Your two girls have such bright eyes and joyful smiles. Hoping today is a good day of celebrating the little one!

  4. Ha. Just tried to take 11 month photos with my babe this morning and had the same thought! After 7 months they’ve all been blurry 🙂 Would love to hear your strategy for doing it differently next time!

  5. Wait a minute…how has a year gone by already? I feel like you just introduced her adorable face to all of us a month ago!
    Who knew that you could have another child as cute as Ruby?
    These photos are so precious and I love all of the little outfits!
    Happy Birthday CoCo!

  6. Your girls are so adorable! I would love to see that post on what you would do for monthly photos now after doing Cocos that you mentioned. My first child is due next month (yay!!!!) and I have been racking my brain for how I want to do his monthly photos! Would love to hear your ideas 🙂

  7. Having a sister is THE best. They will be grateful when they’re older, this from a 23 year old with a 21 year old sister. We are best friends, even when we fight. So this makes me happy! Sending you good sister-vibes!

  8. Joy – would love to read your follow up to this post regarding how you’d take monthly pictures differently. I’m soon to have a baby and want to hear your tips! Have you posted it yet? Thanks!


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