I have the hardest time making time to eat breakfast during the weekdays because I’m so busy getting everyone else ready to go, go, go in the mornings! So anything that can be prepped in advance is always a big help. And since I love having a mix of different things, we want to show you how easy it is to put together a mini breakfast basket like this one!
You’ll need:
A variety of easy-to-eat fruit and other healthy morning favorites like:
– Grapes
– Papaya
– Dragon Fruit
– Bread
– Yogurt w/ Kumquat slices
– Kiwi
– Banana
– Watermelon
– Mandarin Oranges
Then, simply assemble a variety of items mixing colors, textures, and variety. In some cases, you can prep them the night before so it’s ready to go in the morning. And then, simply add any super fresh items like yogurt or sliced fruits right before enjoying.
These also make for a fun breakfast option to prepare for the whole family or for a having guests over. It’s healthy, easy, and looks beautiful!
Items shown: Target napkin (past season), Local + Lejos turquoise & pink baskets (past season),Indego Africa pink woven basket, Indego Africa black woven basket (past season), Leif spoons (past season).
{Photos by Casey Brodley, styling by Julia Wester, and crafting by Jess Hong.}
Wait we’re meant to believe you serve your children breakfast in woven baskets? If not, the post is literally just suggesting people serve fruit, bread and yogurt for breakfast? Maybe I’m missing something but that’s pretty widely understood as a quick and easy breakfast. If you’re not going to offer anything new, putting the information in a woven basket with a glitter spoon is just annoying
Wow! Looks delicious. 🙂
It’s definitely a fresh, healthy, and hearty breakfast!
Great post as always. 🙂
Thanks Jennifer!
Gorgeous fruit basket! I love it.
Very neatly presented ! The basket looks Kenyan