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DIY Kids

fringe star diy…

A Fringe Star DIY... / via Oh Joy!

A Fringe Star DIY... / via Oh Joy!

A lot of you asked about these fringe stars from our star-studded party, so today, we're showing you how to make them! They're really easy and make such a fun statement! We love them for party decor, especially with the holidays coming up, or even as a fun wall decal for a kid's room. Here's how to make them…

A Fringe Star DIY... / via Oh Joy!

You'll need…
– foam board
foam board cutter
– cutting mat
– tape
– double-sided tape
metallic fringe


Here's how…
1. Sketch a star shape onto the foam board.
2. Cut out star with a foam cutter.
3. Beginning from the bottom and working up, tape a row of fringe.
4. On each of the arms add a strip of double sided tape and attach fringe. Wrap the solid strip onto the back of the star and secure with tape.
5. Continue adding strips of fringe until you reach the top point, wrapping excess fringe around the back of the star and securing with tape.
6. To finish the top, use a bit of double-sided tape and attach individual strips of fringe.

A Fringe Star DIY... / via Oh Joy!

A Fringe Star DIY... / via Oh Joy!

{Photos by Lily Glass, styling by Julia Wester, styling assistance and crafting by Jess Hong.}  


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