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color adventures: bright favorites!

color adventures: bright favorites!

color adventures: bright favorites!

Summer is almost here and has us craving bright colors of all kinds to inject into our home! Our Color Adventures series shows you how to bring our favorite color combos into styling a space and styling a wardrobe. But, we also wanted to show you some of our favorite things that we're loving right now in this month's brightly colored theme to inject easily into your home this summer and beyond…

1. Leif Tinted Glass Vases ($18), 2. Colleen Bringle Yes Girl You Can print ($30), 3. Xenia Taler Dinner Plate – Set of 4 ($50), 4. West Elm Matisse Pitcher ($34), 5. Ban.Do Ice Bucket ($34), 6. Peking Handicraft Pillow ($48), 7. Leif Floor Blanket ($68).


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