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Business Design Kids

omg! kid planners are here…

Oh Joy! x Erin Condren Planners / via Oh Joy!

Oh Joy! x Erin Condren Planners / via Oh Joy!

Happy Friday and happy almost July! July means we're in full-on summer mode with vacations, fireworks, and the start of all the 2019-2020 Oh Joy! x Erin Condren planners! We're celebrating extra this year because the whole family can join in on the fun with their new kid planners! My girls LOVE them, and you can customize the kid planners with our cover designs so that you and your mini me can match. Come check it out…

Oh Joy! x Erin Condren Planners / via Oh Joy!

The kid planners have pages made just for kids with lots of fun questions to fill out and space to draw and let their creativity flow.

Oh Joy! x Erin Condren Planners / via Oh Joy!

They also come with lots of colorful STICKERS! While these planners are super fun, they also help teach kids the art of organization, problem-solving, and even managing their time and creating routines. Each planner has 12 months that are not dated, so your child can start one at any point during the year and start planning! 

Oh Joy! x Erin Condren Planners / via Oh Joy!

And, if you're in the market for a planner for yourself, the standard (adult version) Oh Joy x EC LifePlanners™ start July 1st! So make the most of them and snag one for yourself. They're perfect for keeping your summer adventures organized while also allowing you to look ahead to the fall and the new year.

{Planner Photos by Lily Glass, Kid Planner Photos by Morgan Pansing. Concept/Production/Styling by Julia Wester, Production Assistance by Jess Hong. Written by Traci Michael.}


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