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Adding Plants to Your Home Decor

I was once a no-plants person, and now I have almost 50 plants spread throughout my home and studio that I water weekly. Here are a few tips for adding plants to your home decor…

I was once a no-plants person, and now I have almost 50 plants spread throughout my home and studio that I water weekly. The most common remark I get when friends or family come over is: “I could never keep plants alive” or “Wow, plants do make such a difference!”. The first comment is not true, but the second one is! I shared some tips here about how this plant newbie keeps houseplants alive. And yes, plants make such a difference in your home which is why it’s worth it for me to keep them flourishing. Here are a few tips for adding plants to your home decor…

Start with one or two
Just like adding color or pattern to your home, it can feel overwhelming if it’s new for you. So start with just one or two plants in a spot that you’ll see often and love.

Counters or Credenzas
You don’t want to add plants to areas or surfaces that need to be used for lots of things daily, otherwise they’ll seem more like a nuisance if you have to move them around too much! Instead, add plants to areas that are available and not getting in the way of anything too functional. A small countertop or the top of a credenza are often great spots.

Unexpected Places
The charm that plants bring also comes from when a plant is in a spot that you don’t expect! Whether that’s in an open armoire or by a toilet, it adds texture and greenery that will make you smile.

Empty Corners
An empty corner is a great place to add a large or statement plant. Just because something is bigger doesn’t mean it’s harder to take care of. My larger plants are some of my healthiest!

Open shelving serves as another great spot for smaller plants to mix in with other decorative items and functional pieces you may have. Carve out a spot for the plant to live, and she’ll love mingling with your other tabletop items. I love adding trailing plants on shelves for the movement they bring!

All photos by Bethany Nauert from my house reveal


  1. Yes, I love plants so much! The plants remind me of nature when I can’t get out of the house. In addition to the aesthetics, the health benefits of plants are powerful as well. Thank you for posting!

  2. Cool article. I am impressed with this design. I love when there are many plants in the house. It adds life and freshness. Also now there is an unconditional trend towards environmental friendliness and rightly so. I look forward to your further ideas. I hope they are just as interesting.


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