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Weekend Links

It’s the Weekend…

Hope your weekend is full of inspiration!

It was a long, hard week. I am ready for a break – and I’m going to NEW YORK CITY! I know some of you saw my recent post about being in a creative rut, so I’m taking a solo vacation to change the scenery and look for inspiration. I hope you find some inspiration this weekend, too! Here are some other inspiring things to check out…

Butter Pecan Crepe Cake. Yes please!

I wrote an essay with Firefox about kids and social media. Check it out!

Have you ever tried a Diptqyue candle? They’re higher end, but their scents are amazing. I’m not usually a pumpkin fan, but I’m loving this new fall scent.

Have you been hearing talk about the exhausted majority? Or feeling part of it? This article explains it and how to accept, forgive, and get back up.

I love holiday decorations that are kid-friendly. Target has lots of options. (This pillow, this set, or even a mini tree for their room.)

As if we needed another reminder, women are incredible.

Does anyone have a good system for putting up holiday decor and removing “everyday” decor? I’m trying these storage boxes to put things away temporarily but still be able to see inside the box.

It might be basic or cheesy, but I love the holiday cups at Starbucks.

For the lactose intolerants in your life 🙂

A fun way for everyone to capture memories together – and fun to develop and look through together later.

PS We started our gift guides this week for the holidays! Check out Home Decor and Ornaments!


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