The super-talented Max Wanger just opened up a shop of prints and t-shirts. I love the concept of his limited edition tees – a new design every month based on one of his photographs. {You may recognize the image above from this lovely lady.} So now you can scoop up a little Max of your very own.
Wonderful! I love Max’s work!
What is not to love about Max! Thanks for sharing.
He has a lot of really fun prints available.
Ooooh! Those are so good.
oh sweet. I most certainly do recognize that photo. It makes a great tee graphic.
OMG, it’s joanna!
thank you so much for the sweet link. it’s so surreal to be on a T-shirt! 🙂
I am so excited Max has opened a shop! Hazaah!
they are great, I want one
Beautiful t-shirts. Makes me wish I wore t-shirts more often. 🙂
I ADORE Max Wanger. I’m saving up to buy three of his prints right now for my apartment!
joanna and alex!!!