Ever since seeing this lattice patterned house {bottom image} on Gossip Girl {a guilty pleasure} a few weeks ago, I've been thinking of all the ways I could someday have a patterned house. I'm pretty sure my hubby wouldn't go for it, so in the meantime, some great patterned exteriors to swoon over and long for…
{top to bottom: building in berlin by pan y quesillo, polka dotted house from life, and lattice contrast house from gossip girl.}
Can you imagine driving up to a polkadot house everyday? insanely funny.
I love the house from Gossip Girl! And you can always do the polka dots all over for a birthday/april fool’s joke….”surprise honey, I painted the house!”
Brilliant! I just love it!
oh my, they even have a dotted fence/letterbox thing … 🙂
LOVE these.
Oh! I want a patterned house now! Haha.
What about a whole neighborhood of painted houses like this one in the Swiss Alps??
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😀 Lynda
These houses are amazing!
there is a very cool building in Auckland, NZ that has not only a wide lattice it, but little silhouette faces on the intersections of each lattic. Nice.
Wow, that is pretty hot, that house down there. I wonder if my hubs would let me polka dot the house?
can you imagine the neighbor’s reaction to the polka dot house?! that gave me a good laugh this morning!
There are other buildings in Berlin that have some walls with tiles designed by brazilian indians and also here in Brazil we have many, many public buildings patterned with tiles designed by architects, artists and designers in the fifties and sixties.
pretty magical post!
thank you 🙂
I too being a fellow pattern lover, wonder whether my hubby would go for this…Love your blog, thanks!