One of my favorite pair of collaborators, Lena Corwin and Maria Vettese, have offered a complete set of their gorgeous Lines & Shapes book series ($188 value) to one lucky Oh Joy reader. The books themselves are currently on sale individually or in sets. Or, enter to win all 10 volumes by visiting this page and then leaving a comment here telling us which Lines & Shapes edition is your favorite. Enter by Thursday, 11:59pm EST for a chance to win!
{giveaway} lines & shapes collection…

i love the grow issue…the colors, the shapes, delicacy, subtle love.
They’re all so beautiful, but I think Volume 1 is my fave.
the fourth issue, I love all the pairs.
I love the japanese issue!
I love the Swedish volume on Light. But maybe that’s because I dont’t have the Japanese Grow volume yet, they’re all so very beautiful.
so hard! I’ll say issue # 4 – pairs
I love PAIR, (and Gather for its patterns). But Pair is just very specifically cute. Thanks for sharing!
I love the 5th Issue. I love all the geometric patterns and the overlapping drawing of leaves and foliage! What inspiration!
volume 10…color. am drawn to color like a moth to flame.
‘Pair’ is my favorite 🙂 There is something intimate and innocent, and ridiculously cute about that book. Thanks for a great give-away!
It’s hard to choose a favorite, but I especially loved issue 5, light. So gorgeous!
i’m a COLOR girl!
I love the 8th issue:thread, with Tamar Mogendorff. Her precious, but not overly sweet plush creatures that create her world of beauty and simplicity.
My vote is for #6, BLUR. I feel like it was one of the hardest ideas to interpret, and I like that the result was not a whole book of blurry photographs. There are some beautiful images in there.
i absolutely love volume 1, circle. it’s one of the simplest shapes and the images in the book could still just be mundane but actually insight such inspiration!!!
Volume Nine Grow is great!
The thread book, #8, is a knockout. How could you not love a medium so simple used in such a fascinating way? Here’s to lucky number 13….hope I win!
My favourite would be volume nine: GROW.
It would have to be between pair or color. But really they are look great.
My favorite would be volume 7: Break. In making the art, does something in the artist break, or is it fixed? I also like that idea of having to take a break from making art. Art is play, but art is also work (I have to take a nap every time I work hard on a poem).
I love Gather! I’m not sure why, it’s just so beautiful – and happy!
Gather. simply, gather.
I love PAIR…beautiful images & inspiring for earrings!
Wow, what a great resource! I can’t believe how awesome this giveaway is. I love Thread, based on my favorite obsession. Such a simple and beautiful idea.
Oh man, I’ve been wanting to get my hands on those for a while now. I’m really excited about the THREAD! Gimme! Gimme!
i’m torn… I love the circle, pair and color volumes… they are just beautiful
i love the thread and grow issue…absolutely gorgeous!
My favorite is the Blur issue, Natalie Tweedie’s work is so beautiful.
oooh great giveaway lady!
i love circles…loads of inspiration in that one…would love the set!
I’ve had my eye on Blur for quite some time! That being said whichever book the top left image belongs to looks like it would be equally as appealing.
I like the 4th volume – pairs and the 5th volume light.
I love to find pairs in nature and light can change a picture or a moment captured.
I adore Volume 6: Blur 🙂
Pair was really cute.
The Grow edition looks lovely.
Love the swedish volume! I can’t pick a favourite though. Please let me win!
I love BLOCK — it’s fascinating to see so many different interpretations of the theme.
volume 9, grow!
torn between COLOR and GATHER
great giveaway!
Oh my goodness yes yes yes! Given my love of polka dots, I have to say that my favorite edition is CIRCLE. Absolutely beautiful.
Thread! I’ve been wanting one of these since the first volume!
Oh wow…what an amazing giveaway. I’m really loving LIGHT, which features some of my favorite artists: Sandra Juto, Camilla Engman, and Elisabeth Dunker!! Fingers crossed!
I like grow – although they all look lovely!
Such beautiful books! My fave is Circles. Circle, circle, dot, dot, now I’ve got my cootie shot!
hard choice, but i think the tread edition looks pretty cool! crossing my fingers!
Color is my favorite! Would love to win the whole set 🙂
This is fantastic! I think Grow looks like the one I would pick up to read first 🙂
I love Lines&Shapes – their books are all visually inspring, but PAIR is the sweetest.Their definition makes me think of my fiance – who is my best friend and makes me the happiest pair.
{two identical, similar, or corresponding things that are matched for use together; to match with or resemble another; to form by matching, joining}
This a great giveaway!
What a lovely giveaway! It was hard to pick which one I love the most so it’s a tie between Volume 2 & 4
I would have to choose Volume 6 – BLUR!
eeee! i’ve been meaning to buy these! but Volume 6: BLUR has always been my fav 🙂 🙂
I love Volume 2: Block. I’m kind of obsessed with squares and cubes and straight edges and grids — maybe it has to do with my web designer background.
I’ve been dropping the hint to everyone to give me Lines & Shapes as a gift idea for far too long without success! I’m amazed this is for a whole set! I definitely love Thread, but find a fondness for Light as well as Feast.
OH GOODNESS! best giveaway! i love lena’s whole collection. i gave the polariod book and the plants book to my two BFFS this past Christmas. i had my eye on the mociun catalog, but sadly its sold out. regardless! the lines & shapes series is fantastic. color is my favorite.
How generous! the pairs issue is my favourite.
Love them all-such great artists, but would really like to see Grow in person. Yes, please!
I think Circle would be my favorite. I’ve always had a love affair with circles of all kinds. Polka dots always catch my eye, and what’s not to love about something with no beginning and no end?
so hard to decide, they are all great, but I guess the ice cream on vol 2 just does it to me more than the rest.
My favorite is Vol. 6 – Blur.
There’s something about a blurred or out of focus image that makes it a little more living. It seems caught or candid.
Love all of the books – amazing giveaway!!
Color. Absolutely magical.
These are fantastic! I love volume 6: blur the most, and would love to win this giveaway.
I LOVE Lines&Shape… favorite has to be colors!
I am most curious about COLOR since it’s the trickiest thing for me to get right. It always helps to see what other people have picked and have gotten right.
My favorite is GROW, but LIGHT is a close second. What a lovely giveaway!! My fingers are crossed.
my favorite is blur/vol. vi. what a stylish collection! thanks so much for the giveaway. i love reading your blog!
I love Gather, Break, and Color. Very intriguing books. I’d love to read them.
My favourite is Volume One: Circle. This is such a wonderful giveaway.
i love them all, but “light” is my favourite issue.
wow! so inspirational…
i love volume 2 – Block
I’m going to have to go with Blocks! Keeping my fingers crossed!!
wow! what a great giveaway! I also love PAIR. Beautiful.
i adore volume 4 “Pair”. i just got married so everything in my life is focused on the two of us. i love how two people, or objects, can be so different and yet reflect and complete each other…
i like v. 8, thread. it’s a lucky number in the chinese culture and i love the idea of things created by threads, literally, but also that different mediums can be threaded together through beauty and creativity. it’s a cool way of thinking about all of us and all things connected together.
volume ten: COLOR. Playing with color can change everthing!
YAY! i’m thrilled about this. i love lines & shapes and my favorite is gather.
Ooh, pretty. Tough call on which is my favorite, but I think I’ll go with vol. 5, the Swedish issue on light.
Gather. But I love Lena Corwin – she has such a fantastic aesthetic.
My favorite is the Block edition. Thank you for this amazing giveaway!
I have a hard time deciding between Gather and Light. All are beautiful!!!
I love volume three: Gather. but all of these collections are beautiful…
My favorite edition is volume 1, circle. I love these books!
i love the issue on light. beautiful and inspiring. especially on a cold winter day!
I’m dying to get my hands on the “light” issue. Love Camilla Engman’s illustration on the cover.
Oh! my favorite volume is pair. i love it.
How can I choose. Went through all of them and I like alle of them. So sorry, will not make a choice, they are all amazing! Would love to get my hands on them
xo Julie
these books are so beautiful, it really is difficult to choose–but i love “grow”–the shapes and colors are just perfect.
volume 2 – love it. well, love them all really.
They’re all lovely, but Volume 4 and Volume 9 are my favorites. I’m a terrible book addict and would love to have these to add to my collection!
Volume 10 – Color is my favorite. The pictures all look so beautiful!
I like ‘GATHER’, volume three.
Definitely Vol. 9 (Grow) Got to support Winnipeg and Takashi’s fantastic work featured in and on the cover!
Hmmm…to Grow or to Gather…I can’t decide. Both are lovely.
I haven’t seen these little books before! I can’t believe I was missing out.
Volume 10!!
Duh, volume 9 – the Japanese edition. I heart it. I want it.
Volume 6- Blur. A beautiful opportunity to see images that have no definition. What you see, what someone else sees, and what the artist sees can be completely different. A great book that has the potential of limitless inspiration!
ps. BEST giveaway ever.
which is my favorite? oh, that is so hard to say. i love number 7 and number 1.
thanks for the giveaway!
these are such great books. pair looks simply awesome
I’m loving the Grow volume.
The colours pop and interact with one another in a fantastic and playful way.
I love these. I’ve never seen them before and they just made me so happy to browse through. I don’t believe I was able to harrow down, but I say Volume 3!
Mine’s volume ten!
So beautiful. Color and Break. Love.
light. pretty please.
This is hard, but I’m going for COLOUR. I need some spark in this department.
lovely!! 🙂
BREAK sounds lovely, especially if Molly Wizenberg is involved.
BREAK looks lovely, especially if Molly Wizenberg is involved!
I <3 Volume 6, (BLUR)! All of the volumes are quite lovely, but I'm particularly drawn to the delightful textures and delicate use of colors in Volume 6.
Thank you for offering this wonderful giveaway! 🙂
they all look fabulous! if i had to pick one, blur.
The color issue. 🙂 Such a beautiful series.
I really love their volume 9/ GROW! I like the image the word evokes, and the way they interpret it in nature and people and other things that fit the theme.
Conceptually, I think Thread is my favorite. But, I was also dazzled by Color.
pair!! love the many interpretations of of a single word. **alike yet so so different
The whole series is outrageously inspiring, but #5 has caught my eye!
what an amazing series! I’m partial to Volume Ten: Color.
number 4, i’ll have to say.
I like the 5 th issue- the LIGHT.
I love the light, the positive vibrations it gives and it is gathered in this lovely issue.
ohhhh. volume 2. BLOCK. these are amazing!
pair. definitely pair!
my favorite would have to be thread since i am currently obsessing over cross-stitch and weaving. they are all beautiful though!
Gorgeous! I love the Colour, Gather, and Circle!
My favorite is volume 9, grow.
I’ve always loved BLUR and THREAD but if I had to pick one I would say THREAD (Vol. 8). I love the way the texture and the organic imagery blend together. I think it’s inspiring in many forms of design.
I’m really addicted to Circle patterns everywhere.
Thanks for the great giveaway!
i’d love to read and re-read the ‘light’ issue.
thanks for the giveaway 🙂
I like the grow issue as well…so expressive!
No.5 -Love the Swedes and wintery inspiration from those who understand winter well!
I like the 4th issue – Pairs. Such pretty photography.
I have volume one, and I love it! I would be thrilled to have the complete set!
Volume 10 is by far my favorite; everything just pops right at you! Such an interesting concept for a series and I absolutely love it!
I would have to say pair. Although I love color almost as much.
they’re all beautiful but i think i like volume four PAIR best!
my fave would have to be volume 8: thread bc it reminds me of those strings projects i did in elementary math class where you hammer some nails into a board and create geometric shapes/patterns using a number technique with colored string.
it was quite the rage back in the day. 🙂
would LOVE to have the set and see what else i’m reminded of!!
I love GROW, volume 9. They’re all so inspiring!
Volume 5 Light is my fave!
number 10, please!
i think i will enjoy volume 10 light a lot, but all of them seem like very inspiring resources.
the color volume is fabulous.
I would definitely have to go with the COLOR book – I think color can have such an impact on projects and it looks like Corwin and Vettese have done a masterful job conveying that here!
I am loving the Light series! I love how much dimension can take place based on the way light is used…
Thanks for the chance!
i’ve had my eye on volume 5 for the longest time, and i’m devastated (but not surprised!) to see that it has sold out! i would love love love to have the whole collection…
I very much like the BLOCKs!
i love all of lines and shapes but my favorite is the thread issue. oh, i would be so excited to win the whole collection!
they are all so amazing. i think my favorite would have to be ‘block’.
tough call since they are all amazing. i think volume 1:circles is my favorite. i love polka dots, and circle motifs, and this seems to go hand-in-hand with that! thank you for sharing this amazing collection!
This is wonderful. Very lovely!
I am lusting over the LIGHT! Gorgeous!
gather is my favorite. what a beautiful collection of books.
I love volume nine: grow. It’s beautiful!
So cool! I love them all. I think volume nine is my favorite 🙂 Thank you!
The thread one, the thread one!
Volume Four. Pairs and Jeana Sohn.
I like volume 3 so beautiful and textural
It’s hard to choose just one but “color” seems to draw me in. Beautiful books.
PAIR, definitely. The notion of pairs is so satisfying and comforting.
oh how do decide which one! i think it would be… circle or thread… can’t decide love them all.
Definitely have to go with GROW, although LIGHT and COLOR are tied for a close second – these are ALL great collections! PAIR would be a swell Valentine’s gift too…if you’re into that sort of thing.
i love LIGHT #5
My favorite is still Volume One, Circle. The little drawing on the back cover is way too cute.
I love the circle issue. The soft colors are simply beautiful.
Because I use so many circles in my designs, my vote is for Vol.01
I love volume nine, GROW. I love the humor, the color, the fragility. Thanks!
I love Volume 6, but they’re all lovely
I like volume 5, Light. Because without light we couldn’t see the other elements. The set is just beautiful, what a wonderful prize to win. ^U^
Oooh, they’re all wonderful. I’d pick number 9, Grow, if I have to pick a fave 🙂
My shelves would LOVE, love volume eight: THREAD. It speaks to me as a fibers student and designer- the thread that connects all of us discriminating Oh Joy readers! I’m also very attracted to volume five and the beautiful color and movement on the volume nined :Grow cover. Thank you for your blog and contest.
Oooh, COLOR looks awesome to me!
So inspiring!
Oh, I think they’d all be great but the one I’m most interested in is Light. Thanks for the chance!
Volume 5 is my favorite, though I love them all and would be so thrilled to win even one-10 of them would make my year!(my husband’s too, he also loves Lines and Shapes!)
hello there!
oh my, what a fabulous, inspirational giveaway. my favorite is no. 9: GROW. it’s ethereal + whimsical + playful + delicious. so beautiful.
I think “gather” and “thread” would have to be my favorite ones. what a gorgeous series
It was such a hard one to choose,
but I think “Pair” steals my heart away! What a beautiful concept and I think it was masterfully executed in the compilation. Corresponding things never looked -so- perfect!
Seeings as I’m pretty rubbish at hanging out with myself, I’m going with PAIR. It just looks too cute.
I like them all, but Vol 1 is my favorite. Beautiful!
Gather is my favorite!
i love blur, and i would love it!
my favorite is volume four: pairs! have been inspired so inspired by these little books and would love to see them in real life!
So hard to pick, but I’d say Pair!
I would love to have any really but i think pair seems so beautiful
i like the “pair” issue 🙂
They are all really great but I would love to have Volume 8 Thread!
oh, don’t make me choose…just send them all to me! maybe, maybe number three….but it’s impossible!
I LOVE Thread but currently in my photography class we are discussing light and I know that the Light book would be a fabulous reference. Thanks for hosting this contest!
I love them all!
Volume nine: Grow looks amazing.
Oh my gosh, I’m so excited! I’ve had my eye on the Journal of Plants for some time now.
Love you guys!
LOVE volume nine!!
volume 1, ‘circle’, caught my eye .. the circle is versatile and classically interesting. works in pattern or alone — a book about it couldn’t be bad!
The gentle and organic shapes of Grow, Volume Nine are my fave…love them all though!
This is an insanely cool giveaway. How generous. I like BREAK.
wow, that’s tricky to choose! i think volume 9, grow, looks like the prettiest 🙂
# 5 light!
most definitely blur. oh yes.
volume 2, block, would have to be my favorite. what a fun and lovely giveaway!
COLOR is my favorite!! I so struggle with using color and the pictures look so inspiring. I love seeing combinations I would have NEVER thought of and being inspired to step out of my comfort zone.
I really like grow. I think it would be wonderfully engaging for both adults and children.
I like volume five on light!! what a great series! 😉
wow!!! how can you not love them all!!! i love the blur and the japanese!!!
WOW! I read Lena’s blog so of course when I saw this I got soo so excited! I was already determined to buy one but the whole set would be amazing! Volume 5: LIGHT is my favorite. I have only perused it online but the soft and beautiful pictures have truly captivated me. All of the books are so wonderful and such a source of inspiration.
Crossing my fingers!:)
[email protected]
i love volume 5! 😉
i say nine – as i have always been a fan of the word GROW and i love a japanese themed issue. it makes me want to hop on a bus and go to kinokuniya (the amazing bookstore) in n.y.c.
I love the grow issue. A great issue to spend time with on a winter’s day waiting for spring to arrive.
My favorite is definitely blur – love the flowers!
Oh I love all of these, but I REALLY love issue six (blur)! So beautiful!
I think my favorite is number six, BLUR. I love the concept and the artwork by Natalie Tweedie is beautiful!
Volume four, PAIR. Perfection.
I am in love with Gather. It looks like it is such a creative, diverse work.
Wow, they are all delightful. Vol 3, “Gather” pulls together a huge breadth of ideas and multi-disciplinary interpretations of the theme, from Yu-i chan’s delicate leafy drawings (a gathering of lines) to jane & jeremy’ s “people pile-on”, to Mat Daly’s powerful colour collections and gracie and Louise’s simply divine eggs (…trips to the hen house), this is art bliss. Thank you for making us look!
What an amazing giveaway. I’ve always had a thing for Volume 5, the illustrations are just beautiful.
I am definitely a Color person but Grow (volume 9) is beautiful!
I love Thread! I’m currently a graphic design student creating a series piece involving altered books and garlands… it would be so inspiring to have these as inspiration. What I would give to have the money to buy these (I could count them as a supply expense… right) Lovely work!
Grow. Nice work Tamar M!
volume 5
Volume 10: Color. I looooooove color!
Japanese and gather…..oh wait maybe……..light……..yes that’s it….simply beautiful.
color! AH! oh the happiness i’d get from having them all!
Wow, love all volumes, but my favorite would be GROW! What a great giveaway!
The images are so beautiful and inspiring. I especially love PAIR!
All about COLOR.
we love volume 6 – blur 🙂
i am a fan of volume NINE, GROW!
It’s amazing!
Wow! My favourite is number ten: color
OH yes pleeeeese!!! I love the Light one (cause bright is warm) and also the circles one (because you can’t beat a polka dot)
volume 8 “Thread”!! beautiful series
oh how lovely! THREAD is my favourite – love it 🙂
my favorite is LIGHT (vol. 5) 🙂
what a wonderful giveaway. Thanks Joy, Maria and Lena!
I love them all but I think volume 6, BLUR is my favorite.
Tough choice! They all have their own beauty. I suppose, if I had to pick only one, I would choose BLUR.
My favourite volume is GROW, I love those japanese artists !
My favorite would have to be vol. 10!!! I adooooooooore color and can’t live without it! Wait…but I love vol. 1 too…and 8! oh shoot…they all rock my socks! Pick me, pick me!
So hard to choose, Volume i, 6 or 7 or ALL…true creative genius!
This is tough, love them all, but the Circle one stands out the most for me.
i love volume two, BLOCK. i would be so so incredible happy to own these visuals and use them for inspiration for future projects… squares are so solidly pleasing!
wow, what an amazing give away! i am loving the Blur edition, but they are all great…
Love volume 5 – beautiful!
I love GROW!
What an amazing and inspiring giveaway! I flip through these at a local shop and read Lena’s blog – so it would be thrilling to win the whole set. GATHER is probably my favorite – I love the idea of collaborating and coming together and this issue expresses that concept with beauty and humor.
I love the featured Japanese artists!
thank you for this giveaway!
i am loving volume 1!
The Grow issue is my favorite!!
number nine, the grow volume is so colorful and beautiful.
I really love the third volume, gather. I think it’s such a beautiful concept.
I’m astounded by the beauty of this entire series – congrats on such an accomplishment. Volume nine GROW really resonated with me. It’s so important to continually grow and learn and evolve as an artist or designer. On a more literal note, my fiancé is a plant biologist, so I have developed a great affinity for plants!
The Lines and Shapes collection is truly inspiring. Each book is dreamy but I really love all of the gorgeous subtleties captured in Blur.
I love the blur collection. Each piece shows how differently the artists interpreted the word. Some found stunning watercolors to embody the word blur, while others found a more traditional view of the word with a foggy photograph.
oh my favorite is Grow..they are all great
volume nine, GROW. wow.
I like volume 11 because it hasn’t come out yet and I’m sure it will be outragously awesome! Plus that happens to be my favorite number. 🙂
The grOW issue rocks!
I like Seven (mostly because it is my favorite number – I like them all and I had to pick one). I think Reka Kiraly’s work is wonderful.
#1 circles!!!! I have always been a polka dot freak
I can’t decide! Four or ten 🙂
Hard to choose, but probably volume five: Light.
I am so inspired by the artist and photographs in this series. Vol 7, Break, I love.
I love the grow book, or maybe the pairs.
Great books.
Light or Grow, #5 or #9…. Hard decision, but I think GROW is my absolute favorite. Love them all.
Ugh!! It is so hard to choose a favorite! The light issue is probably the one I am most inspired by. I am a photography student, and I just really appreciate the beauty of natural light and the story it can tell. I love all of the unique and broad perspectives of the artists. All of these books are so inspiring though… I would love to own the whole series one day!
I’m in love with Issue 8-THREAD. I love nothing more than thread, geometric shapes, repetitive fractal shapes in nature, and typography and I get all of the above in this issue! Amazing work.
the pair issue volume 4, practically perfect in every way!
I’m really interested in BLUR, but am also drawn to GATHER.
My vote is for Blur! The images are beautiful and mystical, like something you should look at before you go to sleep to have nice dreams. What a great giveaway!
I think Pair is my favorite!
the fifth issue! something about those swedish artists just knocks me off my feet!
PAIR makes me feel happy like I’m with my twinsie.
Volume 2: Blocks- I like the whimisical shapes and colors 🙂
I still have 20 minutes left…i couldn’t choose, but i ordered 2 already…but wouldn’t it be great to win the whole set!
WAUWIE…i would love too!
Break and circle are the ones i am most curious about. The swedish one is a kind of wannahave with all the swedish stars in it! Just like the japanese one!
I choose thes too because Reka Kiraly is a real favourite an i guess…i need a break to go trough all of them! And circle, that makes it all completed with the founders Lena and Maria!
Oooh, I love them all. But LIGHT warms my heart.
My favourite is volume ten on colour. I love all the fantastic textures and patterns.
Oh, they’re all so wonderful… I spent an absurd amount of time poring over the tiny preview shots of each volume; what a well of inspiration they’d be in reality. I think the one that excited me most, though, was Vol. 6, Blur. Thank you for this beautiful giveaway!
i say it’s a tossup between gather and thread – i love both! i am a sucker for patterns and repetition though…maybe that stems from some sort of repressed childhood emotions?
I just bought the whole set…but would love to win this set to giveaway to my sister…PAIR is my favorite. Thanks lovely Ladies 🙂
If I had to choose, it would be either GROW or CIRCLE…
Volume One where it all started. 🙂
Gather – I love adding pleated and gathered details in the clothing I make, so this one really appeals to me. What a beautiful series!
Just under the wire.
My favorite is issue 5 – Light. Elisabeth Dunker, Camilla Engman, Karin Eriksson…too good to be true.
Thanks for the sweat givaway!
Oh I lovethemall but I’d have to say #7 Break. Oh I really woould love to win the set. FUN! Thanks.
Thanks for this… I love PAIR
These are all gorgeous, but I think my favourite, by far, would have to be CIRCLES! Something about it…. Thanks for having this great giveaway! 🙂
i find these all to be stunning, yet find volume five LIGHT to be particularly delightful!
This are all inspiring collections … I particularly like GROW because I’m a big fan of Takashi Iwasaki. What an amazing set to win!
I love #8 THREAD! wonderful!
BLUR: oh, for the mystique, the soft mystery! The sleepy haze. Delicate fog. Uncertainty. Blur is by far my favorite beauty among these books. I would appreciate each and every one…but how I would treasure blur.
I like Gather. First because it’s a fun word to say, but also because it looks cool.
i love PAIR! the images blew me away!
My favorite is probably No. Nine – Grow. Love the shades and theme!
I find it very important to have light in my life, in all sorts of ways, and volume 5 reflects my desires in a wonderful manner.
I like “Pair”.
Los quiero todos!
I like the Thread volume, but i would prefer not to choose. I love them all!
Cheers from Canary Islands, Spain. I´m in love with your blog and your work!
They are all such cool design inspiration but something about THREAD really did it for me. The images and and the concept of connectedness and sinuousness running through it. Sinuousness. Never used that word before.
LIGHT, Volume 5 is my favorite for it’s subject matter and the Swedish cast within. The whole series is a never ending cascade of inspiration.
the color volume!
I would like Thread.
My favorite volume would have to be Color. I LIVE for COLOR!!
Oh, this is an amazing collection! I love the Volume four…! *
Vol. 7: my admiration for broken & fragmented objects drew me to this vol.
Vol. 1: I love all thing shapes but esp. circles. The mathematical constant of the circle: diameter/radius is mind boggling! Love love.
Vol. 8: My fav. because thread represent ways in which everything in life is interconnected.
i love the blur issue, hands down. all of them are absolutely gorgeous, though–
You ask the impossible, to choose a favorite! But, I am so struck by Gather, both the images and the concept.
2 of my favorite collaborators as well. I would be over the moon if I won.
oops! I forgot to say that my favorite is Light. But I love them all.
OOOHHH! Thread is the one I want most! Awesomeness!
Volume One: Circle is my absolute favorite. So simple, so pure, so perfect!
Wow! I`d love to own Color or Light! Beautiful!
GROW–it features so many of my favorite artists.
my favorite issue is light, i have a serious crush on elisabeth dunker and sandra juto’s work. the color issue, though, is a close second.
such a great giveaway!!
My favorite is thread, specially how it is present around us in places we don’t even notice it…
Great books!
gather is just so gorgeous and happy. fantastic.
I love volume 9!!!
My favorite is COLOR. Thanks!!
I choose BREAK… ’cause I could use one. (CIRCLE is pretty great too though!)
GROW is absolutely stunning.