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lady lala…




I have some fun news to share with you all about today…we're moving to LA! Our year in San Diego comes to an end this summer, and I been anxiously awaiting the options for our next move. Bob was offered some amazing job opportunities, and we were very grateful to be able to choose from three of our choice cities: New York, Philly, and LA. We've spent the last week debating and deciding the fate of the next chapter of our lives and chose LA as the best fit for right now. I'm looking forward to a new city and new adventures and hopefully staying put for a bit. I'm going to soak up my remaining time in San Diego for the next few months and will keep you posted as we get closer to our move come August!

{prints above by mooncici and gandol photo}


  1. Honestly, you couldn’t have had three better cities to choose from. I can’t wait to see what adventures you take in LA, though San Diego will miss you. I’m still working on making my way to some of the awesome eateries you’ve mentioned on here and happy lady.

  2. Congrats! I grew up in the LA area, and even though I haven’t lived there for a long time, each time I go back, I love it! I wonder what neighborhood you’ll end up in…

  3. GREAT choice! i had a feeling sunny LA would be the winner. any idea which neighborhoods you are considering?
    i had the pleasure of living in la and have one vital tip i’m sure you’ve heard and will hear again and again — make sure you’re close to work, as commuting takes forever. the traffic is really the only downside i’ve ever seen to la, so if you can live right by work, you’ll be happy campers.
    i lived in beverly hills and worked in santa monica. they were only about 7 miles apart. sometimes it only took 15 minutes to get to work, sometimes 40. thinking dr. bob probably needs as much sleep as he can get (and not while driving!). 😉

  4. Sounds fantastic! I can think of like 6 restaurants I’d love to do to tonight in LA so I think Happy Lady will be runneth over with eats!

  5. L.A. has developed quite the culture in the last few years – lots of great food and arts taking root here. So you’ll be in good company!

  6. I’m excited for you, LA is a lot of fun; I enjoyed it greatly during my time at Art Center. But I’m also a little bummed for San Diego, because I’m not sure you’ve had a change to visit all of it’s groovy spots.
    *shameless plug* -come to Encinitas for a day!

  7. terribly jealous! congrats! Hope I’ll be leaving freezing cold Philadelphia soon and joining you in Lala land – you made the right choice!!!

  8. didn’t realize you loved in san diego.
    that’s my hometown but LA sounds like an exciting move.
    a guide to san diego for your readers would be fun before you go.
    good luck.

  9. Yay! Your life sounds similar to mine! We lived in San Diego for a year and then moved to LA. Been living here over a year and we looovee it. Soo many good spots to eat, shop, and have fun. Welcome!

  10. Hooray! My brother just went through this decision process too (just finishing up dental school) it’s so exciting to “pick a city” and then see where on the map you’ll land! So many good choices for you guys too – I think LA is a fantastic pick, Congrats!

  11. Congratulations & I am very excited for you! If you’re looking for an intern in LA, I’m your girl! 🙂

  12. oooh so jealous, i miss LA like a severed limb!
    i can’t wait to see what adventures you have and fun LA posts from you. congratulations! 😀

  13. Congrats! Wow you had great choices to chose from but I am excited for you and excited to see what you find in L.A. so I can read about it! I’m sure it will be hard to leave San Diego, it’s so beautiful there but what am I saying L.A. is pretty great too!

  14. How fun. I love going to LA for the weekend to see my friends and eat and shop:) Glad to have you a few more months in San Diego. It’s nice to have choices.

  15. I think you have to be ready for both excitement as well as adjustments. As it will be a new city it will take a good amount of time for getting adjust there. Of course LA is a good place but the life style is quite fast and tough so you should be mentally prepare for that.

  16. very exciting! i can’t wait to visit LA this month! sounds like you guys had some rad cities to choose from. lucky ducks! LA is definitely the warmest though! 🙂 good choice.

  17. That’s so awesome! I’ve been reading your blog for awhile and I thought this would be the perfect post to comment on because I’m moving to LA in August too! It’s exciting isn’t it? Good luck with everything!

  18. Yay for LA? Where are you going to live? I’m partial to the Westside (because I live in Santa Monica). Once you pick East vs West it’ll take a lot of motivation to travel outside your zone.

  19. how fun to come across this post, as my husband and i just talked tonight about moving to LA. it’s fabulous! we’re in SF, we did NYC for 10 years and now LA is on the table…i think you’ll love it.

  20. Yay yay yay! So excited for you guys and your next journey. May I please suggest visiting my brother and sister-in-law’s new restaurant, Starry Kitchen!
    Is it bad to dream aloud hoping to one day have lunch with you there! That’d be way too fun….but I’m in Dallas, so don’t get scared!

  21. Yay, congrats Joy! Eric and I recently moved back from our 2 year stint in LA (we lived in Santa Monica — you would love Montana Ave!)
    We’re back in NYC now, but we sure missed it this past winter 🙂 Let me know if you need any tips, Diddy Reise in Westwood ($1.50 ice cream sandwiches) is perfect for OJE!

  22. congrats! i agree with a previous commenter – try to live within a good commute to work. it’s not just about distance but time of day and, hmm, route popularity. 😉 i used to live in hollywood and commuted to downtown and when it drizzled it would often take 90 minutes to get home (that’s 6 miles). now i’m very close to work (within 2 mi.) and just taken neighborhood streets – or work from home! now my experience in l.a. is much different than before; i really love it here these days.
    best of luck!


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