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  1. Love that old beat up fiat. So want to drive a fiat again. Had a lot of fun in the one I used to drive. The idea of putting a garden on top is pretty funny, and look at them squashed in. Fiats have a sunroof.

  2. Even though it would probably increase drag on the car and therefore increase petrol consumption… I like it!

  3. Above comment – lol, so true!
    It’s a cute pic. and an innovative idea, only it looks like it might fall off the side at any moment! If you’re traveling behind and you don’t wreck, you might get some free herbs!

  4. Wow. Design literacy seriously needed here. I agree with Georgia.
    If you check out BacSac and do the math, the model he’s strapped to his car carries about 1,000 pounds of soil. Those sprouts don’t have a hope in offsetting the Fiat’s emissions.


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