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  1. Bouchon Restaurant in Vegas is one of my favorites! I always go down to the cafe and get a coffee and a bouchon as well. So delicious, not too sugary just good chocolate taste. mmmmm

  2. I loooove TKOs! My sister works near the Bouchon in NYC and I always ask her to bring me some when we get together.
    Next time you have to try their peanut butter whoopie pie!

  3. Just stumbled upon this post, how fun! I recently tried a TKO Cookie for the first time from Bouchon Bakery in NYC. In celebration of the Halloween season, it was in the shape of a bat!!! I agree with you. The homemade “Oreo-style” cookie was dark and rich and not too sweet, but it just wasn’t as soft/crumbly as I had hoped. This foodisode might be of interest:


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