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exquisite things…


You may have caught snippets of Julia Rothman, Jenny Volvovski, and Matt Lamothe's beautiful new book, The Exquisite Book, around the blog world recently. A project based on the Surrealist game called the Exquisite Corpse, the book is a modified version of the game, played by one hundred contributing contemporary fine artists, illustrators, designers and comic artists.

Ten groups of ten artists participated in the process with each artist contributing one page to the book. The first artist was given a few words to inspire their drawing. Each of the following artists only saw the page that immediately preceded their own. Each artist used images (and optionally, words) to create the continuation to the story, and the inspiration for the next artist in line.

As part of The Exquisite Book blog tour, I asked Julia Rothman to create one of her signature illustrations telling us about a few things (other than her new book!) she thinks are exquisite …she even made the colors very "Oh Joy"…love that! Click here for more information on the book and information on where to buy. Also, for those of you in New York, their book party launch will be tomorrow evening! Congrats Julia, Jenny and Matt!


  1. “Exquisite” isn’t a word we hear too often! I don’t think I would use it to describe my work – but would use it to describe a sunrise or chocolate or oysters.
    Will definitely keep an eye out for the book!

  2. Since you mentioned “bloody mary” and I am currently craving one, actually I am always craving be honest, I am a vampire…
    I want to share with you the place with THE best bloody maries. Nothing compares to this horseradish infused vodka perfectly spicy tomato cocktail.

  3. love her cute little drawings, they have a lot of character. and i kind of need to know if that is a hand drawn font. because i desire it in my collection…


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