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happy friday + a few weeks to go…



Holy cow…where did the time go? I've got less than a month to go before my due date, and I can't even believe it. The baby's room is coming along nicely, and I'll be sure to show you guys soon. It's definitely come a long way since this photo. I'll be spending this weekend decorating, hanging prints on the wall, spending time with Bob, and enjoying this final bout of nesting time while I have it. Have a great weekend all! — Joy

Also, congrats to #975 Emily R. from Dallas, TX for being the winner of our fall "this & that" giveaway! For everyone else, don't forget the extra bonus for all Oh Joy readers…both Brooklyn Cruiser and Terrain are offering a special 15% discount from today through October 31st. Simply enter the code OHJOY at check out for either site.

{iMac photo booth pic of Joy at 36+ weeks, dress from More of Me}


  1. My daughter came to pick me up at the airport yesterday as she had just got her driving licence. How did the ‘caterpillar’ on the ultrasound grow so fast? My advice? Some days will feel like a lifetime but the years will fly. And you DO have time with a baby, you just don’t know when and how long you will get.
    So, as you do already with things that pass your eye, sieze, grap, savour every moment! Good luck 🙂

  2. A few weeks.. that’s what I thought I had when my little guy arrived two weeks early.. and all I could think about was ‘his room’s not finished!’ And the crazy part was that he didn’t even notice.
    Best of luck.. hope it all goes wonderfully.

  3. Isn’t it crazy how fast the time passes?!? I’ll be 37 weeks on Tuesday, not sure how ready I am or not for baby boy to get here. Crazy. You look great. I hope you don’t have to wait too much longer!

  4. You are so adorable, Joy…what an exciting time! I hope you continue to enjoy the final time before baby arrives. What a lucky little one to have a creative mama like you! xx

  5. And you didn’t give up the heels! How cool is that! I’ve been pregnant four times and never could pull that off, every little part of my body hurts at eight months. I love the nesting period, you get full of creative ideas and new strength. I change everything at my home, not just the nursery. Best wishes for you at this beautiful time!!

  6. You just look SO adorable and lovely! ( love that dress too) Congrats hunnie! Not long to go, how exciting! If you ever need a mom shoulder to lean on, you can always email me and I will listen! 🙂 Have a wonderful last bit of your pregnancy. I am so excited for you!


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