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{fashioned florals} a 15-minute flower garland …



Today, we have the easiest little flower garland you’ve never made {Or maybe you have?}. Regardless, garlands might seem a little intimidating for those of you who haven’t delved into the world of flowers. And this vertical edition takes no more than 15 minutes!


1. Start by gathering your supplies. I had some geranium, rosemary, white astrantia, pink astilbe, hot pink ranunculus, and those giant football mums as the stars of the show. Gather up your scissors, some of your trusty floral wire, twine, embroidery string, or wool to hang everything on.


2. Make your first bunch by twisting a small length of floral wire around some geranium, astilbe, and astrantia to make the sprigs for each bloom. Next thread a short bit of wire through the base of one of your big, beautiful mums—they’re going to cover up the greenery bunch’s wire, so don’t worry about making it perfect!


3. Attach the mums to the base of the small greenery and sprig bunches by twisting your bloom’s wire around the bunch. Repeat for the rest of your bunches, and feel free to vary it up! I alternated between the football mum and ranunculus bunches and threaded some single blooms with wire to attach on their own.


4. To finish things up, I would recommend pinning the string to a wall and working from the top to bottom. Starting with your first bunch, tie it to the string by looping it and forming a small knot. I found that this went really quickly as there are a lot of little wires in the back to help give extra traction and keep things sturdy. This would be so easy to reinterpret in so many ways, like adding extra bunches for a fuller look, or repeat the whole strand and create a “curtain” of garlands for a festive gathering. I think this would be perfect for a festive bridal or baby shower! — Liz

 {All photos by Liz for Oh Joy!}


  1. How long would these last? Do you think it’s something that could be done the day before, or would the flowers have wilted? Thanks!

  2. Sarah – It really depends on what flowers you use. Some could very well hold up overnight (especially if you did it in the evening), but I would just do a small test with only one bunch and just see how they fare. I’m positive that the hardier blooms would last if you made these early in the morning.


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