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{closet & casa} with lori andrews…



who: Lori Andrews, Interior Designer & Photographer

why lori rocks: How cute is her website's home page?!

in her closet: My current favorite clothing item is this cheap and cheerful oversize cotton t-shirt from H&M. It feels breezy and summery, and the bright yellow stripes are like sunshine. I also like that the t-shirt is a bit sheer so I can show off a pretty underpinning.

in her casa: My favorite decor item in my home is the framed Polaroid gallery in my kitchen. All of the images were shot with my old school Polaroid Sun 600. This film is no longer in production so the images are super special to me. It's 154 of my favorite moments caught on instant film! 

Thanks Lori!

{photos by Lori}


  1. dang, she seems super cool. I love her website and the pops of color she puts in her interiors. They are kind of retro… which I’m in love with.. and yet shy away from.

  2. レイバン サングラスrb3026 がなんとも大特価!GUCCIの財布のリボン、ティファニーの結婚指輪の人気、サマンサタバサのキーホルダーなども大特価。楽天のモンクレールのk2もお買い得!


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