Blog, Inc. is officially out and available on Amazon! As we approach October—the official publication month for my new book—I'm getting prepping for the 2nd stop of my book tour next week in San Francisco on Thursday, October 4th from 6:30-8:30pm, with a special Q&A from 7-7:30pm! For those of you in the Bay Area, you can RSVP right here and see all dates and cities right here.
Also, since we're have a Q&A at every book tour stop, for those of who not in a city where I'm headed, I thought it would be fun to answer some of your blogging questions here during the month of October. So, please ask away in the comments section of this post, and I'll answer some via video in upcoming posts next month!
I vote you pop by North Carolina on your way to New York!
YAY! I just got my copy in the mail yesterday. I started reading it right away. You’ve done such a great job with it! I couldn’t put it down. Good luck on the tour!
I request a stop by Philadelphia at some point, pretty please!
So sad I’ll have just missed you in SF. Just posted a few of my favorite photos from our trip this weekend yesterday on my blog! Sounds like an amazing event.
Got your book in the mail last week. Very well done and helpful. Thank you!
As you know, I’ve read and loved the book. I thought it brought a lot to the table that I really haven’t seen anything like before on the bookshelf at Barnes & Noble. I do have a few questions that I would love to hear your thoughts on…
1) In the book you talk about so many things: a media kit, a business plan, etc. but I am kind of confused about where to start! I know I need to wait until visitor counts are up etc. and you do provide a timeline for some of these things (e.g. waiting until at least x amount of page views), but what would the ideal timeline be for someone just starting out? About me, then media kit, then business plan? Thoughts?
2) I come from the PR world, so maybe this is an oddball thing – but I was wondering what narrative the about me and media kit should be in? I know you use first person AND third person in your about section. That seems confusing to me. What would you recommend?
3) Tackling this whole “mommy blogger” issue: like you, I don’t want to be pigeonholed into that “category” or “stereotype” but I DO have a son that I will likely occasionally blog about or include in posts. How can I make sure I don’t get stereotyped?
I was torn on just emailing these to you! Anything you don’t feel comfortable asking without a consultation, please don’t worry about it. I would never try to take advantage, just trying to offer up some questions. : )
Hooray for the book launch. I asked for it for my birthday and have been waiting patiently for it to arrive. I’m sure it’ll be worth the wait 🙂
My question would be “what do you do when things aren’t going so well, be it a dip in readers or a period when it’s difficult to feel creative/inspired?” Right now, things are going well on my little blog, but would be so helpful to have some words of wisdom when things aren’t going as well.
x Elena @ Randomly Happy
Congratulations, Joy! I can’t wait to read!
LA or Tucson?
Can’t wait to receive my copy! Should be here any minute! 🙂
I read your book in one sitting, despite having an infant at home :). So inspiring! I’ve dog-eared several pages as reference as I’m in the midst of launching a new blog that focuses on travel, design, and family. My question for you: how do you tune out? While I know that social media is important to blogging ‘success’, how do you decide which tools are for you? I have no time or desire to embrace them all :).
Waiting for my Amazon order and hoping you decide to make a trip back to San Diego! Your style is inspiring.
Here’s a question. I’ve been blogging for three years, and I would say within the past six months I’ve really started to get serious with it (more thoughtful posts, a more consistent schedule, more social media presence). I’m seeing results, my reader base is (slowly) growing and I’m making attempts at monetizing the blog in various ways. Anyway. I feel like I spend a lot of time working on my blog (which I enjoy doing!) with little tangible payoff, so I was wondering if you have any advice for how to make progress without feeling like I’m wasting my time or putting a disproportionate amount of energy into blogging?
Thanks in advance if you answer my question!
I think I am will get one copy for myself, too!
I’m waiting for the book. Today I ordered it, but have to wait 3 weeks for it, because I live in germany.
So sad that I’m going to miss your SF appearance! First thing’s first, you probably hear this a gazillion times, but I love the blog. It’s AMAZE. I haven’t read the book yet, but ordering it as we speak. As a new blogger trying to make it, I’m hoping that you can share a few of your secrets to success:
1) Did you start your blog with the intention of making it a business, or did you start blogging as a hobby?
2) How did you find your niche and did it take time? There are so many food/fashion/lifestyle bloggers out there, how do you stand out? I struggle with this because as much as you want to do your research and carve our a specific niche for yourself that nobody else is fulfilling, at the end of the day…you just want to blog about what you want to blog about without handcuffs. And that may mean that everybody else is blogging about the same thing.
3) For new bloggers, what advice do you have…3 most helpful tools you used starting out…best way to drive awareness for your blog beyond your friends and family.
4) Any words of encouragement or inspiration?
Thanks so much! Hopefully you’ll make it through SF again soon.
Just got this! Already a few chapters in, I love the references to blogs and the Q & A with bloggers!
Would love to see you at West Elm in the Bay Area. I’d like to RSVP but I’m one of very few people who does not have a facebook account. Is there another way to do so?
Hi Dionne,
No problem! Just come! 😉
any chance you’d fly over to europe too? lisbon is such a pretty city, i’m sure you’d love to come! 😉
That is wonderful news! I’ll be sure to put your new book on my ‘buy’ list and hope that your itinerary brings you to the Cleveland, Ohio area.
Thought of another question – if you are already established on social media under a personal brand (e.g. @BridgetForney) and then you start a blog, would you recommend starting from scratch with new social media accounts under the blog name? Or just continue with your own name Twitter? (This question is more geared toward Twitter than FB, as I know you discuss FB pages in your book. : )
So excited for you to come to NY! I read it in 2 days, thanks so much for such a valuable tool!
Thanks so much Jaime!
Oh I’m so bummed I’m going to be out of town when you come to San Francisco!! I’ll have to wait for next time I guess 🙂
I was all set to come to this one but couldnt get off work early enough to make it! Im so bummed! Hope it goes great!
I’m definitely going to try to make it to your LA event! =)
Hi Joy,
It was great meeting you last night! My wife and I were so happy to come to the event and the presentation was great.
Like I mentioned before, my Beer Blog is only in the infant stages, but it was encouraging to hear your thoughts about it. Once I’m established I’ll definitely let you know. Thanks again,
I attended the New York book signing. It was a great night. Thanks Joy for being such an inspiration!
Ali of aliandang