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Make Someone Happy – No. 05: A Little Letter

Make Someone Happy - No. 05: A Little Letter

The first four videos from my "Make Someone Happy" series have involved making something—an actual object or surprise—to bring joy to another's day. For the next couple, it's all about bringing that joy to someone by telling them how you really feel about them…which is sometimes the hardest thing to do!

And if you need a little help, feel free to use my handy fill-in-the-blank letter to get you started…

{Video by Modshift. Music: "Love Me, Love You" by Trimountaine, licensed from With Etiquette.}


  1. Awesome awesome idea. I absolutely love it and can’t wait to start writing my letters 🙂
    Thank you Joy for sharing such a beautiful idea!! You ROCK!

  2. So adorable! Such a great idea, Joy! ( the series AND telling people the nice things you think about them) It always makes someone’s day, right? Even though you sometimes feel like you are going out on a limb or embarrassing yourself by saying anything! Or at least, I feel that way sometimes, it doesn’t stop me though! 🙂 Love it! Oh, and since we’re on the subject….I think you have gorgeous style ( in your home & your clothing) have an adorable family and are beautiful! 🙂

  3. This is just TOO adorable!
    This year I said I wanted to send more snail mail (I’ve already sent out some) and this is such a cute little easy idea to make someone smile!
    Thanks for the inspiration 🙂

  4. From all your videos of the serie this is my FAVOURITE, there’s nothing like reminding to the people you love how much you care and love them! great job! xx

  5. What a lovely idea! It makes you happy, it makes the person you write to happy–perfect! Thanks for the reminder to let the people I love know it!

  6. Joy, you are so cute! I searched “things to make people happy” on the internet and stumbled upon your blog.
    I am always looking for new, unique ways to spread happiness and your ideas are so much fun!
    I love how you are always looking for ways to help people to feel a little extra joy. 😉 Can’t wait for the next post!


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