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happy friday + styling my new hair cut!

how to add texture and waves to straight hair

how to add texture and waves to straight hair

I recently chopped off my hair to a lob (long bob). It feels lighter and really great for summer. I am VERY minimal when it comes to hair and would prefer to roll out of bed and not do anything at all. But when your friend (who happens to be the founder of DryBar) says, "Let me show you what you can do with your new hair cut!"…you say, "OK!". So Alli Webb came by to style my hair, and we caught it all on video so that I could recreate it myself and show others who might have a similar length or type of hair how to style it, too!

If you can believe it, I am actually fixing my hair a few times a week now! It's a fun change to my normal straight hair, and I finish the whole thing in about 5 minutes. I love that the styling here is not about perfection, and looks best loose and however feels right! See the video above for the full how-to!

Have a great weekend all!

{Photos by Casey Brodley, video by DryBar, hair styling by Alli Webb, my dress by Whit.}


  1. Love the style and I want to try it but that is waaaay too many products for me, especially since I’m lazy and inept when it comes to hair styling! I also live in the northeast and wouldn’t want to put all that stuff in my hair in the sticky summertime. Does anyone have ONE (or maybe 2 max) product recommendations for creating a wavy lob? TIA!

  2. I have a lob with bangs and I similarly have no patience for lots of products. I’ve found that a good salt spray is the best. If you have natural waves it will bring them out, but even if you don’t (I don’t) it creates a lovely texture and fullness. I actually make my own homemade salt spray using salt (I used some Dead Sea salt I schlepped back from Jordan, but any salt crystals will work), water, and aloe vera juice.


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