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velvet ribbon wall hanging DIY…

Velvet Ribbon Wall Hanging DIY / Oh Joy!

Velvet Ribbon Wall Hanging DIY / Oh Joy!

When you want to add a little somethin' somethin' to your wall, but might not be ready to invest in a large print or piece of artwork, here's a really pretty and easy DIY you can make yourself to add texture and color to any space…

Velvet Ribbon Wall Hanging DIY / Oh Joy!

You'll need:
velvet ribbon (blue, yellow, dusty pink, light pink, green)
wooden dowel
– scissors
– string/twine
– rope
– hot glue gun


Here's how…
1. Measure the length that you'd like the ribbon to hang down from the dowel.
2. Glue each ribbon at the top around the wooden dowel.
3. Begin weaving horizontally across the ribbons hanging down from the dowel, alternating over and under. We decided to space our horizontal ribbons a bit more unevenly.
4. Use a dab of glue to hold ribbon in place wherever it crosses over another ribbon.
5. Finish the ends of ribbons by folding under and gluing.
6. To add the hanging cord, attach on one end of the dowel with a dab of glue, wrap around the dowel a few times, and finish with one last dab of glue. Repeat on the other side.
7. As an extra detail, we added tassels on each side of the weaving (See how to make a tassel here).

Velvet Ribbon Wall Hanging DIY / Oh Joy!

Sources: Target Pirouette paint, Ikea mirror, Ikea shelf, Target large pink vase, Target small pink vase, round containers, vintage deer figurine, Target lamp, Target gold geo (past season), HAY box (similar), Target wooden boxes (past season), Target rug, Target pink shag rug, Bally purse (past season), Eric Trine chair, Urban Outfitters face pillow, Urban Outfitters gold planter, Ikea stool, Anthropologie mug, Target Bonsai paint.

{Photos by Lily Glass, styling by Julia Wester, and crafting by Jess Hong.}



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