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DIY Home Decor Kids

pattern adventures: an abstract kids’ room!

Pattern Adventures: An Abstract Playroom

Pattern Adventures: An Abstract Playroom

For this month's Pattern Adventures we're mixing things up by going abstract! We brought in fun shapes with a simple DIY dresser that anyone can create, complemented with other subtle patterns, and lots of bright colors. Here's how we did it…

Pattern Adventures: An Abstract Playroom

We love the idea of an abstract pattern in a kids' playroom or bedroom. It's also a great way to incorporate your kids in designing their own room because cutting and placing abstract shapes is easier for little ones and they can place the shapes wherever their creativity sees fit!

Pattern Adventures: An Abstract Playroom

Using a simple white dresser, simply cut out abstract shapes onto contact paper and place them randomly on the drawers. Depending on their age, kids can help cut or simply help place the shapes and smooth them into the surface.

Pattern Adventures: An Abstract Playroom

Since the dresser is the focal piece and abstract patterns can be a tad overbearing if used too much, we kept the rest of the decor more on the simpler side and topped off the dresser some some great wall art to inspire little ones today and for years to come!

Sources shown: Benjamin Moore Springtime Peach paint, Chasing Paper Come Together print, Angie Stalker abstract painting, Kindah Khalidy abstract print, Framebridge frame, Ikea dresser, Monroe Workshop wooden giraffe, Gretel wooden blocks, Zoo Modern wooden bunny, vintage balloon lamp, vintage ice cream cone coin bank (similar), Eric Trine mint pedestal, Urban Outfitters rug, Lea and Lani chair, Leggybuddy knit frog, Target abacus, Target faux fur, Leif pillow, Monroe Workshop rocking horse, Gretel wooden puzzle.

{Photos by Lily Glass, styling by Julia Wester, styling assistance and crafting by Jess Hong.}



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