During the process of building this house, I've realized my true dream and untapped potential has yet to be met. And, that's my dream of becoming a professional hip hop dancer. I've pushed off the dream long enough, so we made the decision to turn our guest room into my new…dance studio! Here's the inspiration…
I've been super inspired by beautiful open spaces, curved and soft walls from the Valentino store by India Mandavi via Design Boom and fun signage from Covent Garden Grind neon sign in designing my new dance studio. Here's a look at some of the materials I'll be using…
Plus, I had to share some tips on designing a Dance Studio at home:
1. Mirrors. Make sure there are floor to ceiling mirrors so you can always check your dancing form. I think we're going with pink-tinted mirrors for a twist on a typical studio mirror.
2. Soft wood floor. You want a hardwood floor, but softer woods gives some give (and is easier on your joints) when you're stomping the beats.
3. Phrases or art that inspires. We're creating a custom neon sign, but any kind of artwork that keeps you motivated when the workout or choreography gets hard is a great piece to put up on your studio wall.
After the house is done, I'm taking some time off to pursue my love of dancing. Agents have been calling me after seeing my dances on Instagram stories and so I figured there was no better time to seize the day!
{Design via April Fool's Day! I love dancing, but I'll be keeping my day job for now ;)}
This is also my dream!!! Last summer I decided to take a class and live my dream. I was not getting any younger ( I will be 40 in August…what????) I took the first class and it kicked by butt! The teacher said I was doing good because at least I was not crying. I was laughing so hard at myself. It was fun. Never went back. Found out I was pregnant 3 days later. I will go back though!!!
Ahahahaha such a clever April Fool’s joke <3
Hilarious!!!! I love all the humor and color and light you bring to the world ?
lol! I always enjoy these posts! 🙂
In our renovation, before I picked out a toilet I bought a disco ball and lights for my house so I was fully into and supportive of this April Fool’s or not! ❤️
Nice!! I’ll be 40 in May!
thanks alma!
thanks kari!
Awww yeah. I’m gonna join you for some hip hop dance battles. Right after I put some Ben-Gay on my knees and some Icy Hot on my back.