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What a week…

This was a heavy week, a sad week, and all of us are still grieving the terrible losses to gun violence that happened at sacred and celebratory events that were meant to spread light and instead brought darkness…

This was a heavy week, a sad week, and all of us are still grieving the terrible losses to gun violence that happened at sacred and celebratory events that were meant to spread light and instead brought darkness. We all see the terrible damage that guns are doing to our communities, our elders, our children, and our own peace of mind. If you are looking for a way to get involved and to help, we have resources here for you…

First, the names of those we lost to mass shootings this week. We encourage you to say their names and remember the lives that were lost…

Monterey Park:
Valentino Marcos Alvero, 68
Hongying Jian, 62,
Yu Lun Kao, 72
Lilian Li, 63
My Nhan, 65
Ming Wei Ma, 72
Diana Man Ling Tom, 70
Muoi Dai Ung, 67
Chia Ling Yau, 76
Wen Tau Yu, 64
Xiujuan Yu, 57

Half Moon Bay:
Zhishen Liu, 73
Qizhong Cheng, 66
Marciano Martinez Jimenez, 50
Yetao Bing, 43
Aixiang Zhang, 74
Jingzhi Lu, 64

These fundraisers are helping the victims and their families:
Monterey Park
Half Moon Bay

Asian American Mental Health Resources
As an Asian-American, I cannot stress enough how undervalued mental health has been in our community. It’s getting better with each generation but the stigma that asking for help is a sign of weakness needs to end. If you’re in a community where mental health is not advocated for enough, help to share those resources so that those seeking and may be too afraid to ask, can get the help they need. Asians for Mental Health has a great directory for those looking for someone to turn to. I found my current therapist (who I love!) through this site.

Contact your Senators
If you don’t know them (no shame) you can find the directory here. Everyone has two United States Senators based on their state. Phone calls are better than emails. Emails are better than silence. Let them know how you feel about gun controls.

Contact your Representatives
You can find a directory here. Everyone has one representative based on their zip code. Call, email, write. Let them know! And if your representative is already working on this, call them to tell them you appreciate their work and encourage them to continue.

Contact your State Representatives
Almost every state has two legislative chambers or houses. Do a quick Google search asking to find “XYZ state representatives” and a listing from your Secretary of State site should come up with any easy search option with your home address.

Policy needs to change
Donate and volunteer with these organizations who are actively working to make changes:
Johns Hopkins Center for Gun Violence Solutions

In the end, it’s up to each of us on how we can affect change. Start small and do what feels right for you. Hold your loved ones tight, and continue to live your life to it’s fullest.


  1. It’s easy to get numb/angry/shocked/sad and not know what to do next. Thank you for posting their names. Thank you for options on next steps. Thank you for this!


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