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  1. I have also been obsessed with maps lately. I need something like this for my soon to be born daughters room!

  2. Maps are amazing. It’s a good thing to obsess about :p Love teh ones youve shared.
    My boyfriend loves exploring google maps/earth. I’ve been contemplating finding some really cool print of a map for our wall. Bigger the better 🙂

  3. These are so beautiful-truly works of art! I love that her illustrated maps really show a personality to the location, imply a love for the city, and are full of inspiration! Very cool!

  4. This makes me so happy! I personally met Masako when I was in tokyo in April, as I was trying to meet up with fellow illustrators, and she is so lovely and oh so humble in person. yay masako!

  5. Beautiful work, thank you for sharing! Just ordered the Map of the World book as a Father’s Day gift for my husband; I think he’ll love it.

  6. I LOVE illustrative maps! I used to do it for the magazine i worked for.. so much fun!
    but i still wish i have my very own distinctive style like the one you have posted!!


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