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With the beginning of the year, comes new goals and dreams for small business owners like me. As we start ...
Do you know that I do business and career coaching for creatives? Here's more on how I can help you...
The biggest myth about successful creatives or those who seem to have the best partnerships and clients, is that the ...
The About Page one of the most important pages for a new visitor to get information about you and what ...
It's SO common to hear from my fellow small business owners or my Oh Joy! Academy students, that business slows ...
This is not only to encourage you if your have your own dreams of writing a book but also to ...
All of us have off days, parts of our job we don't especially like, and things that drive us crazy. ...
Even the most glamorous of jobs has its pros and cons. Most people (including my family!) think my job is ...
When starting a business, I always say it’s better just to start and do what you can to get ...
Whether that's a coach, teacher, colleague, family member, or someone you may not know yet, mentors can come in all ...
Often when I speak to small business owners or my Oh Joy! Academy students, they are interested in adding new ...
It's no secret that summer can be a slower season for lots of businesses, especially small business and those with ...