One-Piece Bathing Suits I’m Loving
I am all about the one-piece suit OR two pieces that pass as one-piece with coverage! Here are a few ...

My Favorite Fitness Apparel Right Now
There are so many amazing fitness brands out there now that offer really great apparel for a variety of workout ...

How to Find Your Personal Style
How I slowly discovered my personal style within the last decade and some tips for helping you find yours...

Statement Coats
Why wear an all black coat when you can bring some fun to your winter instead? Here are some of ...

Fall Layers
Even though our seasons here in Los Angeles don't change as dramatically as most parts of the country, I LOVE ...

Vintage Clothing Shopping in Los Angeles
Vintage shopping in person is still the best because you're dealing with one-off pieces that typically cannot be returned once ...

My Favorite Everyday Bags
With the new school year for kids means a change of season for me, and bags are an everyday accessory ...

Style Tips: Tropical Vacation
For me, vacation outfits are about being fun, festive, but also comfy since you never know where the day could ...

Style Tips: Summer Blues
Blue is always one of my go-to colors because it has so much variety in shade and intensity...it works ...

Style Tips: Our Bobby Pant
Our chambray Bobby Pants from our Oh Joy! x ODells’ Collection is a comfortable, chic neutral piece to wear all ...

Style Tips: Our Nicole Skirt
Our Nicole Skirt from our Oh Joy! x ODells’ Collection is a flirty, fun, and bold piece to wear all ...

Style Tips: Vintage Florals
When combined with modern pieces, these vintage florals look fresh and fun and oh-so-special! Here are few examples of how ...