We lived in our former apartment for 10 years and also had a separate studio space for 7 years before moving to our new home and studio. I love looking back to see how my favorite pieces moved with me and found new homes in new rooms. They are still so special and feel so fresh…

In our last apartment, this gallery wall changed a few times during our 10 years living there, but two of my favorite pieces on this wall found homes in my new house…

This Michelle Armas (painting found a new spot clustered with a few others in our new dining room. The blues in the abstract painting add that pop of color I love so much!

And, this Zoe Pawlack painting has a new home in my studio by our Breakfast Nook! I love seeing her solo because she’s such a great piece that has the power to be on her own, too.

This gallery wall sat behind my desk in my former office and was filled with art created by talented friends.

This print by Max Wanger now goes solo on this entryway area in my new studio. It’s fun to see pieces in different environments to see how they shine in many ways.

And, few other favorites from that wall found themselves new homes in my living room desk area remixed with other prints for a whole new composition and mix.
I’m in the stage of life where most of my art has been prints because the price points are affordable enough to mix and match and change up every few years. I only own a handful of original paintings and most were created by up-and-coming artists. Regardless of whether your art is original or composed of prints, your favorites will stand the test of time (and new apartments and homes!).
Photos by Bethany Nauert unless otherwise noted.